Wednesday, 28 February 2007

simply indescribable

i meant to catch up on blogging during the Chinese New Year break but other things came up. I was not too busy that week, but somehow the week passed without any post.

Songs have been coming to me each time I get to spending time in His presence. It's like a groove i am familiar with, and when i get into this groove, it's deepening and widening, and it's becoming easier just to be with the Lord.

God is just so good. His love for us is so strong and powerful, there's no words to describe it. He is simply indescribable. How do you write about someone infinite and something eternal? Words just pale in His overwhelming presence.

So many times i pray and sing in the spiritual language that He has given me, and i come away, refreshed, renewed, rejuvenated, re-energised, reminded yet again that His promises are sure, His word is firm, just because that is His NATURE. Just typing this brings tears to my eyes, because once again, i'm overwhelmed.

So these songs come to me which are about His heart, His plan, His desire. I remember the first Sunday of this year, when we were worshiping in church, wow! the presence of the Lord just hit me and i was singing in a counter melody to the chorus, Show Me Your Face, O Lord... i just wanted so much of His glory and His heart and HIM to be revealed in a greater and greater manner to me, and also to those in His body.

And then again, during the retreat we had in mid January at Changi. Ooh... the bungalow was not the newest and latest in design...hehe... but it was located next to the sea. And when the meeting was ongoing, we could hear speedboats crossing the waves, and the horn of the big ships. Cool!! :D There were times i just looked out at the ocean, and took in God's vast creation. Perfect! Back to the songs: so when we were singing and the presence of the Lord was tangible in our midst, i again had glimpses of His heart and His Kingdom. His heart is for the nations to worship Him. He wants His Kingdom to increase - His Kingdom consisting of believers. There was such a cry in our hearts for His Kingdom to advance!

My heart is full... more to come in the next post... :D
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