There seems to have been a focus in various quarters on the need to live a life that is set apart, holy unto the LORD. Holiness is a result of choices made in our lives to live right, to live a life pleasing to GOD. Righteousness, on the other hand, is a gift of GOD. We don't earn righteousness nor become righteous. We were made righteous when Jesus became SIN for us on the cross. Being righteous means having a right relationship with GOD; it is the ability to stand before GOD as though sin never existed in our lives. Because of this position we have in Jesus, we are able to choose to live holy lives. God sacrificed His Son so that it is possible for us to choose. But it is a choice that we make.
This is what i had been hearing from various ministers of God, not in contact with one another - in various styles of presentation and in different places of ministry. As i was just mentioning to a friend, it seems the season for consecration. I believe God is preparing us for greater things ahead.
Obedience requires sacrifice on our part. We choose to put aside things that hinder our walk with God, that prevent us from growing in our relationship with Him. Isaiah 1:19 - "if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land". The conditions to blessings are willingness and obedience. And the sacrifice is never greater than the blessings received. Hallelujah!
One of the things i learnt in Bible School is that there's always God's part and man's part. God has fulfilled His part - the greater part - so that man's part becomes easy. Still we need to respond and that requires obedience. That's our part. A setting down of our will and opinion and thoughts and ways to make way for HIS will, opinion, thoughts and ways which are described in scripture as DIVINE, PERFECT, HIGHER and FOR OUR WELFARE!!
I've heard many say it's difficult to obey. That's because we focus on what we give up. If we focus on the goodness of God, and the blessings that will definitely come our way as promised in His word, it is actually to our disadvantage if we don't obey.
Father, i choose to obey you.