This is the song that i referred to in my previous entry.
Indeed the world can never change or take away this divine fire that burns in my spirit!!
~~~ Fire ~~~
There's a fire that burns in me
That the world will never change
There's a fire that burns in me
His name is Jesus
Brighter and brighter
Consume my whole life
So I burn
Brighter and brighter for you
Abundant Life Church - Send Me
I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own yet; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. ~Philippians 3:13-14~
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Monday, 28 April 2008
2 questions
During worship service yesterday, God spoke to me in a powerful way. His presence intensified during the praise session.
When we sang "Fire Fall Down", i was struck by the words of the song which echoed the desire of my heart. This was followed by a song about fire burning, and it was at this point that i felt the anointing and presence of God increased at this point. I sensed the fire of God re-ignited in me. More accurately, actually, there seemed to be a sudden surge of passion for the things of God which was already placed in me. I burst forth in intercession in my prayer language, and i sensed that i was praying for the church as well as the plans that God had for our lives.
As i was praying, these English words, amongst others, came repeatedly in a form of a question: Where is the Lord God of Elijah?
I remember this was exactly what Elisha prayed and declared after he received the double portion he asked for, just before he struck the waters, starting his ministry of miracles, signs and wonders. He was FULL of the power and anointing of the Lord so much so that even after he died, his bones brought to life a corpse that came into contact with his bones.
This was the first question.
The second question was asked by Jesus to his disciples in Mark 8:21. The preacher on Sunday highlighted this question, showing us what the disciples had learnt about depending on the Lord for provision. They had already seen Jesus feed the 5000 and then the 4000 with just 5 loaves and two fish, and then a few loaves and fish respectively. 7 baskets were filled with leftovers from the first incident, and 12 baskets from the second. And yet when it came to their own needs a few days later, they were concerned about not having enough.
This second question that impacted me, challenging me to greater faith in God's provision was preceded by Jesus' questions in Mark 8:17-19 (in bold). These questions display Jesus' assured knowledge of the very nature of the Heavenly Father in terms of providing, and also Kingdom principles in operation.
13 And He left them, and getting into the boat again, departed to the other side. 14 Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, and they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat. 15 Then He charged them, saying, “Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”
16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, “ It is because we have no bread.”
17 But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, “Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? 18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?”
They said to Him, “Twelve.”
20 “Also, when I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up?”
And they said, “Seven.”
21 So He said to them, “How is it you do not understand?”
I felt the question in verse 21 directed to me personally as i had been concerned about His provision as i take new steps. I had been uncertain about where the finances would come from in this transition i am facing.
Through this passage, i also learnt that God is not concerned just about providing for me, but providing through me so that others would be blessed.
That's how i want to live. I don't want to have just enough for me to live on, i want to have more so that i can give away that others might live on FOR HIM!
These 2 questions spur me to greater heights in my walk with the Lord!
When we sang "Fire Fall Down", i was struck by the words of the song which echoed the desire of my heart. This was followed by a song about fire burning, and it was at this point that i felt the anointing and presence of God increased at this point. I sensed the fire of God re-ignited in me. More accurately, actually, there seemed to be a sudden surge of passion for the things of God which was already placed in me. I burst forth in intercession in my prayer language, and i sensed that i was praying for the church as well as the plans that God had for our lives.
As i was praying, these English words, amongst others, came repeatedly in a form of a question: Where is the Lord God of Elijah?
I remember this was exactly what Elisha prayed and declared after he received the double portion he asked for, just before he struck the waters, starting his ministry of miracles, signs and wonders. He was FULL of the power and anointing of the Lord so much so that even after he died, his bones brought to life a corpse that came into contact with his bones.
This was the first question.
The second question was asked by Jesus to his disciples in Mark 8:21. The preacher on Sunday highlighted this question, showing us what the disciples had learnt about depending on the Lord for provision. They had already seen Jesus feed the 5000 and then the 4000 with just 5 loaves and two fish, and then a few loaves and fish respectively. 7 baskets were filled with leftovers from the first incident, and 12 baskets from the second. And yet when it came to their own needs a few days later, they were concerned about not having enough.
This second question that impacted me, challenging me to greater faith in God's provision was preceded by Jesus' questions in Mark 8:17-19 (in bold). These questions display Jesus' assured knowledge of the very nature of the Heavenly Father in terms of providing, and also Kingdom principles in operation.
13 And He left them, and getting into the boat again, departed to the other side. 14 Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, and they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat. 15 Then He charged them, saying, “Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”
16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, “ It is because we have no bread.”
17 But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, “Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? 18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?”
They said to Him, “Twelve.”
20 “Also, when I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up?”
And they said, “Seven.”
21 So He said to them, “How is it you do not understand?”
I felt the question in verse 21 directed to me personally as i had been concerned about His provision as i take new steps. I had been uncertain about where the finances would come from in this transition i am facing.
Through this passage, i also learnt that God is not concerned just about providing for me, but providing through me so that others would be blessed.
That's how i want to live. I don't want to have just enough for me to live on, i want to have more so that i can give away that others might live on FOR HIM!
These 2 questions spur me to greater heights in my walk with the Lord!
Friday, 18 April 2008
2 simple statements
In the last couple of days, i've heard 2 simple statements made by 2 different young men which contained deep spiritual truth.
One is a pastor, and the other a teacher.
When a group of us were talking about how ministers of the past and present such as Charles Finney, Kenneth Hagin, Billy Graham, carried the presence and power of God wherever they went - at services and meetings and even as they lived out their every day lives. It was such that people could recognise and were aware of the love of God, even the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The lives of the people they encountered - even just once - were impacted, converted, transformed. The pastor among us observed that it was not a visitation, but a habitation.
The bible says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit in Corinthians. We are told again in the same book that we have treasure within us that God has given us - the very power of God. In Ephesians, Paul reveals that the very same divine, miraculous, supernatural power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us.
In an email regarding prayer requests, the other young man, the teacher exorted in a simple line: Let's tap on the unlimited resources of God! Indeed our own human powers and ability may be exhausted, but the store house of the Lord which contains all things wonderful and special as revealed to us in glimpses in His precious word NEVER runs out.
One is a pastor, and the other a teacher.
When a group of us were talking about how ministers of the past and present such as Charles Finney, Kenneth Hagin, Billy Graham, carried the presence and power of God wherever they went - at services and meetings and even as they lived out their every day lives. It was such that people could recognise and were aware of the love of God, even the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The lives of the people they encountered - even just once - were impacted, converted, transformed. The pastor among us observed that it was not a visitation, but a habitation.
The bible says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit in Corinthians. We are told again in the same book that we have treasure within us that God has given us - the very power of God. In Ephesians, Paul reveals that the very same divine, miraculous, supernatural power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us.
In an email regarding prayer requests, the other young man, the teacher exorted in a simple line: Let's tap on the unlimited resources of God! Indeed our own human powers and ability may be exhausted, but the store house of the Lord which contains all things wonderful and special as revealed to us in glimpses in His precious word NEVER runs out.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
my aunt
My aunt gave a touching eulogy at my cousin's wake on the second and final evening. She shared that she never regretted having my cousin as her daughter in spite of what happened. She had learnt about love and forgiveness as some around her avoided them or questioned whether the parents had sinned, resulting in her daughter being in such a state.
She spoke of how her daughter always smiled at them, just like her father, and how she saw her as her pure and lovely angel whom God had gifted them with.
I admire and respect my aunt for how she has triumphed in these challenges.
It is not easy to lose two loved ones within the family in 7 months. It will take her and her second daughter some time to get over it. I remember losing my 3 grandparents within 7-8 months, and it took me a couple of years before i stopped crying at movies featuring death of a loved one, and at festive occasions. It will probably be more intense for them as they are grieving the loss of their husband/father, and daughter/sister.
But it will be just as she cried out in faith: "God help me, I know you will."
She spoke of how her daughter always smiled at them, just like her father, and how she saw her as her pure and lovely angel whom God had gifted them with.
I admire and respect my aunt for how she has triumphed in these challenges.
It is not easy to lose two loved ones within the family in 7 months. It will take her and her second daughter some time to get over it. I remember losing my 3 grandparents within 7-8 months, and it took me a couple of years before i stopped crying at movies featuring death of a loved one, and at festive occasions. It will probably be more intense for them as they are grieving the loss of their husband/father, and daughter/sister.
But it will be just as she cried out in faith: "God help me, I know you will."
Thursday, 3 April 2008
the cousin i never knew
my cousin, the elder daughter of my uncle who went to heaven last september, went to join her father early Tuesday morning.
I never knew her because of her condition - she was severely physically and mentally handicapped, and was bed ridden almost all of her life. It was a result of brain damage sustained during a high fever when she was a toddler.
Her 'ah gu' (uncle) gave a touching eulogy which revealed her character and spirit. It made me wish all the more i knew her better. He talked about her gentle and quiet spirit, which drew people to her. Even the doctors and nurses who looked after her at the hospital were drawn to her, and in a short period of a couple of weeks had a connection with her. Some of them shed tears at her passing on.
She may not have understood many things, but she was aware,and was responsive to love and touch. She knew what it meant to be prayed for. I believe she missed her father.
Her family, including her grandparents, took very good care of her. Mum remembers that uncle J once told her that cousin's life expectancy would be only 18 years according to the doctors. She lived till 34. That in itself is a miracle.
I will take time to know her in heaven, and because she will no longer have any physical or mental constraints, we will be able to communicate and interact.
I believe she is enjoying her new found liberty which includes unlimited mobility, eternal joy and expressive communication with her Lord and loved ones.
It is not an easy time for her mum and sister who remain behind, especially since it's the 2nd death in the family in just 6 months. My aunt is a strong woman. Her faith in God will not be easily shaken. She still has her younger daughter, and an extended family who loves and supports them in many ways. i heard her cry out last night: God, help me. I know you will.
God is our help in time of need.
I never knew her because of her condition - she was severely physically and mentally handicapped, and was bed ridden almost all of her life. It was a result of brain damage sustained during a high fever when she was a toddler.
Her 'ah gu' (uncle) gave a touching eulogy which revealed her character and spirit. It made me wish all the more i knew her better. He talked about her gentle and quiet spirit, which drew people to her. Even the doctors and nurses who looked after her at the hospital were drawn to her, and in a short period of a couple of weeks had a connection with her. Some of them shed tears at her passing on.
She may not have understood many things, but she was aware,and was responsive to love and touch. She knew what it meant to be prayed for. I believe she missed her father.
Her family, including her grandparents, took very good care of her. Mum remembers that uncle J once told her that cousin's life expectancy would be only 18 years according to the doctors. She lived till 34. That in itself is a miracle.
I will take time to know her in heaven, and because she will no longer have any physical or mental constraints, we will be able to communicate and interact.
I believe she is enjoying her new found liberty which includes unlimited mobility, eternal joy and expressive communication with her Lord and loved ones.
It is not an easy time for her mum and sister who remain behind, especially since it's the 2nd death in the family in just 6 months. My aunt is a strong woman. Her faith in God will not be easily shaken. She still has her younger daughter, and an extended family who loves and supports them in many ways. i heard her cry out last night: God, help me. I know you will.
God is our help in time of need.
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