Sunday, 29 June 2008

Like the Bereans

Last Saturday, my husband and I were invited to speak to the Family Life Ministry and Ladies Fellowship at a church in JB. He spoke on Living The Abundant Christian Life in the former, and I spoke on the Power of Your Words at the latter. They met in this bungalow (which used to be their Pastor's manse) next to their church. There was a split level, and up to 70 chairs could be placed. There were about 60 people for both sessions. Each of these plastic chairs had a label on its back - BEREAN.

There was a lady who responded to the altar call my husband gave to become a believer. You could literally see her countenance change from one of fear and dread to one filled with hope and joy as she was being prayed for. He also prayed for healing as she was suffering from cancer.

There were others who responded to our separate calls for those who needed prayer. A couple of men and quite a few ladies wanted to us to pray for their health, marriages, families. God moved powerfully in their midst as they were hungry for the word and for the presence of the Lord. When we were teaching, i could sense that they were drawing from the anointing and were hungry for the Word of God.

It was the grace of God that we spoke and ministered what they needed.

I received a call yesterday evening from one of the ladies i ministered to during the Family Life Ministry. This 71 year old lady had been having back pain for 20 years, and her feet hurt when she walked too much. The doctor told her she has osteoporosis and her bones were deteriorating quickly. When i prayed for her last Saturday, i asked her whether she felt anything, she said there was some relief. So i persisted and placed my hand on her feet. She said that her feet felt okay at that moment, but when she would walk too far and too long, there would be the usual aches and pains in her feet and back. So i prayed for her back, and i felt heat transfer. And she said she felt it too. I told her it was not heat from body contact, it was God's power flowing into her body. She believed.

It was such a joy to hear her testimony that she has had no pain and ache for the 5 days since the power of God healed her even when she came to Singapore to shop yesterday. She had been meditating on the Word of God every morning just as she had been taught. I believe her faith has increased during this time.

God is good! All glory to His Name!

Friday, 27 June 2008

Check this out!

There is a daily broadcast of the Florida Healing Revival live as well as past broadcasts on demand.
With lively, yet intimate worship, and healings and miracles taking place. The presence of God is strong.

You have to be patient though - the services are long.

Also, the leader of the revival is not your ordinary preacher. He is, well, different and unique. But i believe that God is using him mightily to reach out to churches and to the lost.

Then click on live (if the meetings are broadcast live, as they are every evening Florida time) or God on demand and choose the date of service you would like to watch.

I've been blessed tremendously just soaking in His presence while watching the services.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

changes and transitions

Since early 2005 (see previous entry), God has revealed more about my future (see entry dated 9 June).

It is true that as believers we walk by faith and not by sight. We still do receive directions from the Lord, and we listen to His instructions in our spirit. We are not led by signs and coincidences. We are led by the Spirit of God who communes with us in our spirits.

I thought i'd share my journey with the following excerpt from a prophecy spoken over us as a group of us were praying about a month ago. It was encouraging to us, and along the lines of what we have been hearing from the Lord.

Seasons. This is my plan, not yours. Where I lead, I will provide. So keep your eyes on Me and I'll reveal the steps you are to take. It will not be as you desired. It will be better. For My ways are not your ways.

I will help you in every situation you encounter, so do not be afraid for I've sent my angels ahead of you to prepare the way. Both of you are ready for this step and great blessings are coming your way.

Because this is a transition, I need you to do these steps; I need you to pray and believe for the things I've put on your heart to believe me for. Do not let go of the things that you're believing me for they are on the way and will come at the time appointed. Trust me for great grace will come for this change and transition, and you will begin to see some of the things I've planned for you in the future.

So rejoice and be glad for these are the steps that I've been and are leading you in and I'll continue to lead you as you look to me.

Be careful not to look to man, thought i will use men to bless you with , but be careful not to make them your source. Keep your eyes on me. My ways are not your ways. Before you call, I'll answer for I've seen your heart and faithfulness.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

what i want to do and what God wants me to do

I found the following assignment i wrote in early 2005 (this was a few months before i graduated) as i was clearing my desk at the office.

what i want to do
i love to sing. From a teenager, i had wanted to go round the world to sing for God. I wanted to see people come forward to confess Jesus as Lord and give their lives to Him, to serve Him.
Recently I have begun to see myself teaching and preaching, making disciples in Singapore and in other countries in Asia. I've started teaching and discipling in small groups and even one-on-one. I love speaking life and hope into situations which are hopeless, and into people so needy of the truths which are found in God's word.

what God wants me to do
God wants me to be in Bible School at tis time to prepare myself for the work He has pre-ordained for me to do.
I believe He has called me to be in my local church to be a discipler of younger women.
He has shown me a couple of things to do after i graduate, so i will be obedient to do them. There are some things in my heart to do, like going to teach in other countries, but now may not be the time yet...

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

i want to be...

... entirely consumed by a single passion that comes from the heart of the Father.
... whole-heartedly following His plan and purpose for my life.
... single-mindedly focused on pursuing my Lord, gazing upon His beauty, enveloped by His presence - undistracted, undivided,

Reveal to me, O Lord, more and more of what you have in store for me.

Monday, 9 June 2008

a step of faith and obedience

In obedience to what God spoke to my heart in February 2008 during a time of worship, i have stepped out in faith of the administrative post at the office i was working. I heard clearly that 6 June 2008 would be my last day. That day was also the last day of the semester, and the day of the school graduation. My husband stepped out a week earlier - at end of May. His timing is perfect.

In 2004 and 2005, God had spoken to my husband and me respectively to help there, so we did. It's been 4 years for him and 3 years for me in our administrative positions. In that period, our teaching tasks increased, especially in his case.

We had sensed there would be such a transition coming up for at least a year, but we did not make a move till we heard clearly from the Lord. We would still be helping that ministry, but in a different capacity.

We spoke to the directors in March, and they gave us their blessing. We will still be teaching there, so it is certainly not leaving. Just a change in duties. It was really a very gradual transition as I believe they had also heard from the Lord. Moreover, we had spoken earlier to them regarding our hearts' desires about teaching more and travelling more.

Within a period of 3 months, the office advertised for and hired an administrator and got other help to take over our tasks.

We are excited about this transition as our hearts desire to teach more and travel more, bringing His word and truths to this nation as well as other nations, to help people see the love and hope which is to be found in the Lord. We continue to believe for open doors that His Word can enter!

a drummer's perspective of youths worshiping

This was posted on a website as one of the responses to a combined worship event for youths:

It was such a joy to see the church united in worship. This was my first time playing for so many people. After the Rev Chua’s sharing, things really began to flow. I loved the way the music rose and fell as if the instruments were worshipping. As I played the drums, I was so aware of how pleased God was with the offering of praise. And to see the youths on their knees in awe of my God, it made me want to worship even louder! I really enjoyed myself and I pray that this will be the start of something great within the Methodist church. More of such events please!
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