Sunday, 31 August 2008

first teaching trip of the year

I am finally going on my first teaching trip of the year.

I have been to JB to minister at a church with hubby in June, but that was only a one day affair.
We are off for 13 days this time.

I'm so excited. It's been a busy July and August so i've really only started preparing for the trip in the last 4 days in terms of teaching materials and packing. Hubby started preparing teaching materials earlier, so that was a great help.

We are expecting great things to happen!!

Tell you more when we come back. . .

Thursday, 21 August 2008


I was very touched by my students' concern when i was not well yesterday.

I actually fainted on the table 15 minutes before lesson ended - quietly, and i hope, elegantly, (haha!) so that no one actually noticed. Some of the boys thought i had fallen asleep. At the end of the lesson, when i was weakly telling them to log off and return headsets, I quickly informed them that i fainted, because it would not do to have it going round the school that a teacher fell asleep in class. Fainting is a lesser evil. :D

The next class i had was unusually well-behaved though some still whispered to one another. The week before, they were loudly teasing each other.

Even students i had scolded for misbehaving in class came over to ask me how i was, and some offered, in jest, i think, to call for the ambulance. One even told the Operations Manager of the school, but thank God he did not come up to ask after me. Whew! That would have been too embarrassing.

God allowed me to see this sweet side of them, and i love them all the more.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008


Another update...

Well, we have to strike while the iron is hot!

So while there's inspiration, we don't need a brother to prompt and prod and "scold"! hAHA!

While i was sharing about how i was being led by the Holy Spirit to speak to certain people, one of my friends came up with this illustration - that it was very much like a magnet attracted to another. It is exactly that: that there seems to be a spiritual magnet that draws you to the person you are supposed to encourage or edify. And you just have to respond.

And as you obey, the things that you are supposed to speak will just rise up in your spirit. Sometimes you go knowing what exactly to speak, but most of the time you only get an inkling of what is to be said. Once or twice, i've had the experience of not knowing anything. I just obey, and then the words will come. And they edify.

Always depend upon the Lord. Never presume or assume to know it all.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

finally... an update!

I've been meaning to blog in the past month. What clinched it for me is my brother's dictatorial, almost biblical command in my orange heart to heart message box in the left column: Thou shalt blog.

The last 3 weeks have been really busy for me. Mum was away for 2 weeks and i took over her private lessons which came up to about 9-10 hours a week on 3 days - all these on top of my own lessons. Thank God for His strength and wisdom, and my husband who was very understanding. I experienced the love of the Lord through my brothers and sister in law too!

Then over 3 evenings whilst mum was away, i attended a ladies' convention. Oh... that was so refreshing and it helped open my spiritual eyes! The Word of God was powerfully preached, the main message being the Power of Peace. I have heard from the Lord concerning things I had been seeking Him about, and it is as though a cloud had lifted, and i see clearer what He put in my heart.

He showed me what to do, and i'm taking steps to obey Him. He also showed me that my eyes should be fixed on Him. Whether the changes take place immediately or not, it is not my concern. My part is to do what He tells me to do, and to dream dreams that are from Him. I had begun to stop praying about some of the things that God had put on my heart, because they had been a long time (many years already) in coming, and naturally speaking, i can't see them being fulfilled.

In other words, I am learning not to be so much bothered by what is not happening (in the natural), or even what is happening, but just do what the Lord instructs. And you know what? Already, i sense in my heart an increase in His anointing. There were words of knowledge and wisdom released for 2 young ladies i prayed for after service last Sunday. They were much edified. God is so good.

And as i prayed with one lady before the service began, i started sharing my heart about what God had shown me some years back, and what He's been teaching me recently, the Holy Spirit gave us the privilege to pray for He wanted to accomplish during the service and it was.
We were praying for hearts impassioned and on fire for the Lord, and these were exactly what the speaker spoke on.

Members were so touched by the message that many were talking to one another about the impact of the message a few days later.

Thank You Lord for igniting in me again a passion to pray. I had not given up praying all this while for the church and for many other things that God put in my heart, but for a long time had not experienced this level of excitement in praying for the church. In other things yes, but not for the church. Now it's different!
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