Saturday, 28 August 2010

prayer school series 2010 - part 8 (Words - vehicles of faith)

Peace, love, health...etc., are powerful spiritual forces which overwhelm the powers of darkness, hatred, sickness and other such evil.

Peace, love, health, goodness are not just auspicious words which sound good to our ears, but the very nature and character of God.

When we bring the GOOD NEWS, this does not just contain sweet words that makes you feel good and gives you goosebumps all over. The GOOD NEWS brings salvation and with it, eternal life - coming against the forces of death and sin. This love that God shows to us is a tough love, so tough He sent His only Son to die on the cross for us, vanquishing the principalities and spoiling their powers. Jesus suffered for us so that we can have a relationship with the Heavenly Father, enjoying His blessings and presence from the time we are born again till eternity. In other words, FOREVER!

Based on the finished work of Christ, the inheritance we jointly share as co-heirs with Him is in DIRECT opposition to the kingdom of darkness.

This victory Jesus paid for with His very life and blood means that any time these two kingdoms or forces encounter or confront each other, His kingdom triumphs. The church overcomes. Believers are more than conquerors.

The very peace of God displaces hatred and division.
The love of God dispels jealousy and envy and strife.
The compassion of God opposes sickness and disease.

1 John 4:4 shows us that He who is in us is GREATER than he who is in the world.

How do we enforce this victory?

Through our Words. Jesus said the words i speak they are LIFE and SPIRIT (John 6:63). When we put His words in our mouth, they carry power.

Words are like vehicles of faith. They transport the power of God from our mouths to the situations we face. Lives are impacted and transformed according to His word that we speak.

You cannot believe and keep quiet.
Nothing will change.

You cannot believe and do nothing.
Nothing will happen.

Friday, 27 August 2010

prayer school series 2010 - Part 7 (watch and pray)

I taught the following at prayer school on Wednesday:

Prayer is not dull at all, because during prayer we commune with a powerful God who is living and real.

Fervent prayer engages His power.

James 5:15b (AMP)
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working).

"Continued" prayer – we are always in communion with God.

"Fervent" – tremendous power available, towards something:To transform lives; dispel sickness, darkness.

Power flows from our prayers, dynamic in its working.

We are not afraid of place where darkness reigns. All the more, God's power is working in darkness!

We pray, not responding to fear. Instead, we come against fear. Hope is spoken into situations. (Hallelujah!)

Jesus showed us in Mark 13:33
Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.

1 Peter 4:7
But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.

Watching helps prayer be effective; Prayer helps watching to be of effect.

Living a spirit-led, spirit-filled life means to be conscious of Him, and concerned about the things of God.

We need to hear from the Holy Spirit, who has the ability to show us things to come. (John 16:13)

Habukkuk 2:1-3

rampart - high place
watch to see what He will say to me... it's in our spirit we hear, not in the natural.
what i will answer when i am corrected - we will hear correction, adjustments and we yield, we obey.

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

First,I’ve to speak forth that vision.

The appointed time is a time which has already been set.
Then, while waiting for a vision’s fulfilment, it seems like it’s tarrying. But no, it will come – at the Appointed time.

Ezekiel 3:17

Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

Watching helps prayer to be effective ; Prayer helps watching to be of effect.

Praying in the Spirit makes me conscious of the Holy Spirit, esteeming the things above.

I become aware – there is a “New Creation spiritual realm” that I step into.

Praying in tongues, I can step up, onto a platform of higher power – as many men of God experienced, after extended periods of praying.

We watch, not what we see in the natural, but what is in the spiritual realm. We are attuned to our spirits, not to circumstances.

This is how we remain unshaken, and ruffled.

As we pray, we are watching and listening, and we speak over situations things which God shows us in our spirits and also from the Word.

Pray for nations and people groups, issuing the power of God to those places and peoples.
Psalm 2:8
Philippians 1:19.

Thursday, 12 August 2010


I was speaking to a friend yesterday morning about my experiences in the past year. It was supposed to help her in a decision she was seeking God about as she was going on a personal retreat in Korea (so nice - Kimchi land... but she's not really crazy about Kimchi as i am. :D)

Anyway, i prayed about that 'talk' - that through it, she would know and understand God's wisdom as i shared with her, and that she would hear from the Holy Spirit, rather than what i had gone through. Ultimately, she needs divine wisdom, not man's opinion.

We had a good talk. God made it beautiful for her... and for me.

Within that hour, depending on the Holy Spirit, i reached a closure.

Through our conversation, i realised that i had done the best i could in following Him and had no regrets. Sure, i could have done things better. I know that, but i don't beat myself up about it. I move on with the wisdom i have gleaned, following Him better and closer.

Father i thank you for Your love for me and Your grace and mercy that know no limits. Thank You that You were with me in the past year. I trust You to lead and guide me in the years ahead. Thank You too, for Your assurance during the 'talk' i had with my friend, that You saw my desire to do Your will and to please You in all that I do.

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