Peace, love, health...etc., are powerful spiritual forces which overwhelm the powers of darkness, hatred, sickness and other such evil.
Peace, love, health, goodness are not just auspicious words which sound good to our ears, but the very nature and character of God.
When we bring the GOOD NEWS, this does not just contain sweet words that makes you feel good and gives you goosebumps all over. The GOOD NEWS brings salvation and with it, eternal life - coming against the forces of death and sin. This love that God shows to us is a tough love, so tough He sent His only Son to die on the cross for us, vanquishing the principalities and spoiling their powers. Jesus suffered for us so that we can have a relationship with the Heavenly Father, enjoying His blessings and presence from the time we are born again till eternity. In other words, FOREVER!
Based on the finished work of Christ, the inheritance we jointly share as co-heirs with Him is in DIRECT opposition to the kingdom of darkness.
This victory Jesus paid for with His very life and blood means that any time these two kingdoms or forces encounter or confront each other, His kingdom triumphs. The church overcomes. Believers are more than conquerors.
The very peace of God displaces hatred and division.
The love of God dispels jealousy and envy and strife.
The compassion of God opposes sickness and disease.
1 John 4:4 shows us that He who is in us is GREATER than he who is in the world.
How do we enforce this victory?
Through our Words. Jesus said the words i speak they are LIFE and SPIRIT (John 6:63). When we put His words in our mouth, they carry power.
Words are like vehicles of faith. They transport the power of God from our mouths to the situations we face. Lives are impacted and transformed according to His word that we speak.
You cannot believe and keep quiet.
Nothing will change.
You cannot believe and do nothing.
Nothing will happen.
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