Tuesday, 12 April 2011

one sunday last month (part three)

Hubby preached on healing the following sunday at another service in the month of March. It was a simple but practical message.

About 30 people came up to be prayed for out of a congregation of 300. Together with the ministry team, we prayed for healing for those who stepped up in faith.

Hubby said he prayed for one who was in final stage of cancer. This man was shaking all over because of the power of God. I remember seeing his countenance before the service and it had brightened up by the end of the service.

Monday, 11 April 2011

one sunday last month (part two)

Hubby preached at a church service one sunday last month at HS on Elijah and the widow and the jar of oil which never ran out till the very last vessel was filled.

A miracle took place in the widow's house, and it all started with the question Elijah asked of her: "what do you have in the house?" Her reply was "nothing at all except a small jar of olive oil". Her focus was on nothing. God's focus was on what she had - the small jar of olive oil.

The crucial question is what do you have in the house, what do you have with you that you can use in obedience to God's instruction in order to have a miracle.

Her obedience to God's instruction to gather empty jars from her neighbours allowed her to have enough to pay all her debts and for her and her sons to live on for a long time. As long as there were jars, the oil from the small jar kept flowing.

Her willingness to act on God's instruction ensured God's miraculous provision, creating the atmosphere for the supernatural to take place.

At the end of the message, we ministered to those who needed financial breakthrough and healing.

God is good!

Thursday, 7 April 2011


Last night, following the dream from the night before, i again woke up in the middle of the night and found that hubby had gone out to the living room to watch a football match. I decided to join him, but he said that the match was ending, and he was coming back to bed.

So i went back to the bedroom, but decided to pray and read for a while, so i turned on the lights. I plopped myself onto the bed, and turned to fluff my pillow. In my sleepy state, i realised that there was a huge black insect on my pillow. Stifling a scream, which was still loud enough for hubby to shush me from outside the room, as it was in the middle of the night, i jumped out of bed. I told him it was a cockroach.

Hubby very kindly checked the bed, and even under the mattress, using his shoulder to prop up the mattress as he looked underneath to ensure that the cockroach was not around.

Assured, i went back to bed.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me about not allowing the evil one to come into my territory. The devil has no right to affect my spirit, soul and body as i belong to God. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the work of the evil one cannot dwell in the same place.


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

trampled and crushed

I dreamt last night that i trampled and crushed the devil with my feet. I believe it was his head i was trampling and crushing.

I woke up, exhilarated!

I told hubby, and he quoted Genesis 3:15.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

Praise the Lord that Jesus has spoiled principalities and powers! And because I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer i who live but Christ lives in me, I have victory over principalities and powers!


Sunday, 3 April 2011

another healing testimony

A student (R) shared in her assignment that she was healed of pain in the jaw while in class. She had been having the pain for two days, and she almost did not go for class as the pain increased just before class. The Holy Spirit prompted her and encouraged her to o to class and she would be healed.

During opening prayer to the evening class on the Holy Spirit on 9 March, i was prompted to command for all sickness and pain to be gone.

R shared that as the prayer ended and she said Amen, but the pain was still there. She said that she did not care as she believed that she was healed already. By the time the class ended, she realised that the pain was gone.

As she went home, she kept praising the Lord, revelling n His love for her.

All glory to His Name!!
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