Sunday, 3 April 2011

another healing testimony

A student (R) shared in her assignment that she was healed of pain in the jaw while in class. She had been having the pain for two days, and she almost did not go for class as the pain increased just before class. The Holy Spirit prompted her and encouraged her to o to class and she would be healed.

During opening prayer to the evening class on the Holy Spirit on 9 March, i was prompted to command for all sickness and pain to be gone.

R shared that as the prayer ended and she said Amen, but the pain was still there. She said that she did not care as she believed that she was healed already. By the time the class ended, she realised that the pain was gone.

As she went home, she kept praising the Lord, revelling n His love for her.

All glory to His Name!!

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