Sunday 18 March 2007

eagerly desire the spirituals

How do we crave for or hunger after things pertaining to the spiritual realm in accordance to 1 Corinthians 14:1? I know we will be filled if we hunger and thirst after righteousness, but exactly how do we do that? How do we continually seek the Lord's face and ways, and especially after we are already filled?

For natural food, we get hungry after every few hours...and we need variety of foods for reasons of nutrition and tastes. Some people do limit themselves to particular foods because of diet, beliefs, culture, habit or preference, but most, i think, would go for different kinds I would... Japanese, Italian, Western, Chinese, Thai, Soups, Noodles, and even within Chinese cuisine, there's the different dialects. You should try the foo chow (my dialect group) fishballs - the ones with the meat inside, red rice wine chicken with mee sua or tang hoon...ooh...delicious. hehe... I'm getting hungry...

So i believe it is the same with spiritual hunger... that our spirit being is made in such a way that we need spiritual food - the presence of God, the word of God. Jesus said "My food is to do the will of God". He talked about the bread that will satisfy all hunger, and water that will quench all thirst. He said He was the bread of life. He compared to the kingdom of God to leaven that was in the bread. The Word also says that healing is the children's bread. So when we come to the Lord, there is a satisfaction and a filling.

The more we talk about or think about particular or preferred foods, the more we want to eat them. We would start looking out for the foods, even plan when to eat them. It is very much similar when we talk about things of the Spirit - and God is Spirit. We begin to look out for spiritual things which would satisfy us, like the Word of God, spending time in God's presence whether praying or worshiping, being together with God's people, and doing things that would please God.

Let's eagerly desire the spirituals... Let's begin to talk about spiritual things, and we can all be hungry for God together!! :D

1 comment:

Rachel Oh said...

"you hunger for what you feed on", the more one feed on certain diet, the more they will hunger for that..
Just like in the case of extreme physical hunger,you will eventually lose all sense of that hunger, you will stop realising that you need food... if we consistently deny ourselves of such 'spirituals', we will realise that we will not realise that we need it and most naturally we will not desire it or even recognise when we see it.. or cannot tell between authentic and counterfeit..
Hunger for such, I believe has to be cultivated and maintained...
Mixed in menu of diverse variety of choices, to recognise the 'authentic' and to continuously choose it though difficult,however,i believe can be taught and developed...
just a thought cos this was what i was thinking about recently..

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