Monday 18 June 2007

the cracked cup

My husband and I were at a buffet a few weeks ago with another couple. We had a great time - loads of salmon sushi (i love mine with wasabi) and some durian puffs, among other delicacies - with good company.

I remember i was getting drinks from the dispenser - peach tea for me and green tea for him - and was going to move away from the dispenser, when i noticed my plastic cup leaking. It's the kind of plastic cup that looks like frosted glass, so it was kind of difficult to see the crack. It really looked perfect.

But there it was, hardly noticeable; once you knew where it was, it became obvious.

As i poured the drink from this cracked "plastic glass" to a new one, it struck me that it was difficult to contain the blessings and love and goodness of God to overflowing if you are not whole. The blessings will leak. We can't contain all of it. And there's so much God wants to bless us with. That's why we need to be saved.

Praise God! He is in the business of salvation - of spirit, soul and body. When we confess Jesus as Lord, we are made a new creation - our spirit is recreated, made new - so we can contain all that He gives to us, including an intimate relationship with Him as our Heavenly Father.

As a new creation, we are no longer in darkness but part of His Kingdom of light. His Spirit indwells us always. We are no longer alone.
As His beloved children, we can approach Him with boldness and obtain grace and mercy just at the time we need them.
He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, and we are able to receive and enjoy all because we are whole and no longer "cracked".

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