The following Tongues and Interpretation was delivered through Kenneth E. Hagin in April of 1983:
Just to sit still or stand still, or lie still and bemoan your situation and bemoan your condition, and
talk about those that are against you will only give the enemy authority and power over you. Causing
you to sink down even deeper into despair and defeat. But rising up in faith and declaring that in
Him you are complete will cause you to stand up and not sit down. Will cause you to stand up and
not stand still but march forward with you feet planted firmly on His Word, His promise and what He
said. And your lips speaking forth a psalm of praise. For the Lord God is alive and not dead. Yea,
He is my Father and I am His child. I'll walk in the light of His Word and in the power of His Spirit. I'll
glorify His Name and worship Him too. For He's raised me up. Yea, He made me to sit together with
Him in heavenly places. Even in Christ Jesus do I have my being, live and move and breathe. And I'll
sound forth praises unto His Name.
Victory is not a thing to be desired and longed for. Victory is mine to enjoy today tomorrow and
forever. So praise the Lord and magnify His Name. Know what your rights and privileges are and
you will find that the enemy will always be put to flight. And life will not be a drudgery nor every day
the same. But life will be sublime. Filled with His presence, yea, filled with His power. Full of His
glory; shining forth even unto the darkness. And light through thee shall shine. And many will come
and fall in behind to follow you in the light that shines.
Deliverance will come and great victory in the life of those around about. And you will be filled with
His praise. And your mouth ever with a shout. And the enemy will be put on the run because he
knows what it's all about.
Being conscious of a mighty move in your spirit wanting and desiring to do the will of God. But don't
try to do it yourself. Just learn to relax and to flow with the Spirit. Don't try to figure out in your head,
"What does He want me to do?" Just learn to relax and flow with the Spirit, it'll take care of itself you
don't have to worry. I just wonder, I know there's something, I know there is something He wants me
to do. Fine just keep on praying. And just flow with the Spirit. You'll not come into the full potential of
what God has for you tomorrow. You'll not come into the full potential of what God has for you next
week. You'll not come into the full potential of what God has for you next month. Some will not even
come into the full potential of what God has for you next year. Some will not for quite a period of time.
But, as you're faithful, and as you're trained, and as you learn to yield, you'll move eventually into that
place, hallelujah, that He had for you all along.
Glory to God. Glory to God. Did you hear me? Did you hear me? Praise His holy Name. But you see
moving into that place of ministry or whatever it is, whether it's full time ministry, or pulpit ministry, or
personal ministry, or whatever your place is in the Body of Christ.
Moving into that place is fueled by prayer, fired by the Spirit and ignited with his glory. Hallelujah to
Jesus. Glory to God. I said, glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, praise
God. But you see if there's no fuel there, there's nothing to ignite. Notice the Spirit said [I never
thought of that, it came out of the inside of me] fueled by prayer, fired by the Spirit, ignited with His
glory. You have to stop and analyze that, there's a difference between firing, igniting. Yes. You see
it's like the furnace, you see? There's a pilot light there that fires the thing. And then when the whole
thing has become ignited then the heat flows out. Ha, ha, ha, can you see what He's saying? Fueled
by prayer, fired by the Spirit, ignited with His glory. Hallelujah. I never though of that. I mean it just
flowed up out of my Spirit. But you see if there's no fuel there, there's nothing to fire. If there's
no fuel, there's nothing to fire. Fueled by prayer, hallelujah, hallelujah.