Friday 9 May 2008

cyclone relief

Our hearts are burdened as we receive news of the aftermath of the cyclone
that hit the city of Yangon and its surrounding villages from the media as well
as from our friends.

One of our contacts from a church in Yangon shared that about 200 families from
their church and in the areas they evangelise have lost their homes and lands.
Thank God that no one died.
Another pastor shared that his orphanage which housed 22 orphans was
completely destroyed as it was made of bamboo. Nonetheless, the orphans are
safe. His family was also protected but his house was damaged (the roof blown
off by the cyclone). He is in the process of repairing his roof. Do pray that he is
able to find adequate building materials as they are costly and hard to come by
at the moment.
Many of the houses in the villages are bamboo huts with thatched roofs as they
are the cheapest form of housing available. They are like the “attap houses” in
in the old days and are unable to survive a cyclone. A bible school that
we taught at was also destroyed as it was made of bamboo.
Do pray for Myanmar as she try to recover from this catastrophe. About 40
townships in Yangon and 7 cities in the Ayeyarwady have been destroyed by the
cyclone. In some villages there are only a few survivors.
At present, many people have no water, food or shelter. The churches have been
giving out of their limited resources. Due to limited supply of water and other
food items, prices have gone up. Fuel prices and transport costs have increased
considerably. The local churches need our assistance.
The Lord has put in our hearts to help this nation through prayer and giving. If
you would like to donate to the churches and pastors that we minister to, please
contact us.

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