Sunday 18 April 2010

trip report (part 2 - the power of God)

We taught on the power of faith as well as life of praise and worship to a total of 60 young students (aged 17 to 24, average age being 18) in 3 different classes over the 10days.

Praise God for His grace - the language flow (we taught in our second language) is better this second time. The hours were long - we were out at least 12 hours a day, with 6 spent in teaching. We were up early to pray and prepare, sleeping about 6 hours or less every night. God sustained us - He is the strength of our lives - and we experienced His protection and divine health.

We thank God for our church and friends who prayed for us. Signs and wonders followed confirming the teaching of the Word as promised in Mark 16. We also thank God for wisdom and understanding as we taught and as the students learnt.

First Class:
  1. In the first class that we taught, about 12 were filled with Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. One sang spiritual songs, another experienced the power of God as she continued to pray through the break till dinner 1.5 hours later.
  2. When i prayed for a girl who was experiencing cramps and in tears during the lunch break, she returned to the class soon after it started, which was less than half an hour later. The cramps had obviously disappeared, evidenced by her changed, cheerful countenance.
  3. I had a word of knowledge regarding a student's situation when i was praying for her one evening in the hotel room in my prayer time. I had the opportunity to confirm it with her leader, and then to talk (even cry) with her about it. She is still in my prayers and i believe God is effecting a healing in her both physically and emotionally.
  4. Students shared that they understood better the Word of God, and experienced the joy and peace of God as they prayed and worshipped. We also helped clarify some of the questions and doubts some of them had.

Second Class:
  1. 6 students were hungry for more of the Holy Spirit, and wanted prayer.
  2. There was a marked change in the way they praised and worshipped, as well as the way they used the Word of God in their prayer.

Third Class:
  1. 6 were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.
  2. 1 shared that many of his doubts and questions were answered during our teaching.
  3. Students experienced the love and power of God as they worshipped. A few saw visions, receivedreleased words of encouragement, had songs. All prayed in tongues, and some sang in tongues, as shown in Colossians 3:16.
  4. The teaching leader (a recent graduate) of the class saw a dramatic change in the way they prayed (hour of prayer before dinner) even from the very first day we taught.
  5. Hubby had a word of knowledge about the plan God had for a particular student, and also saw a vision of these students as kites flying on the Wind of the Holy Spirit, not controlled by any man, but following where the Holy Spirit leads.

Praise God for His precious Word and Spirit.

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