Thursday 12 August 2010


I was speaking to a friend yesterday morning about my experiences in the past year. It was supposed to help her in a decision she was seeking God about as she was going on a personal retreat in Korea (so nice - Kimchi land... but she's not really crazy about Kimchi as i am. :D)

Anyway, i prayed about that 'talk' - that through it, she would know and understand God's wisdom as i shared with her, and that she would hear from the Holy Spirit, rather than what i had gone through. Ultimately, she needs divine wisdom, not man's opinion.

We had a good talk. God made it beautiful for her... and for me.

Within that hour, depending on the Holy Spirit, i reached a closure.

Through our conversation, i realised that i had done the best i could in following Him and had no regrets. Sure, i could have done things better. I know that, but i don't beat myself up about it. I move on with the wisdom i have gleaned, following Him better and closer.

Father i thank you for Your love for me and Your grace and mercy that know no limits. Thank You that You were with me in the past year. I trust You to lead and guide me in the years ahead. Thank You too, for Your assurance during the 'talk' i had with my friend, that You saw my desire to do Your will and to please You in all that I do.


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