Saturday 27 October 2007

just obey

Two days ago, during prayer school, again, the power of God ministered to me "powerfully" (hehe, for want of a better word) - well, in a very strong manner, then...

The instructor was talking about waves of anointing that came upon the students in a bible school he was teaching at in another country. They received healing, refreshing as the Lord's power just fell upon them. He stopped teaching and just allowed the Lord to minister to the students.

Whilst the instructor was still sharing, and then later ministering to the alumni at the prayer school, God's passion began to burn within me, firing me up. He showed me his very heart for the lost, the nations. Tears just ran down my face. I felt heavy with the anointing. Even as i'm writing this, the same anointing is upon me.

During this time, i received an impression (it came from within my spirit - not really visual; just a knowing) of me laying my hand on another lady. As i continued praying, the name of another lady came to me, and i knew i was supposed to pray for her.

Just after prayer school, i went to the first lady (by this time, i had also discovered on looking around that the second lady had left) and just laid my hand upon her. She thought i was saying hi, so she looked at me with a big smile. I think i told her something like: "just receive, the Lord told me to do this". With my hand upon her shoulder blade, and with her hand on my knee, we sat next to each other in silence - maybe sometimes speaking in tongues a little, and softly. The presence of the Lord was manifest again in and around us. Heavy. Sweet. I think it was just 5-7 minutes. We could have lingered longer, but it was enough. We went to lunch, with others, and we could still sense His presence. We said as much, towards the end of the lunch, when we stopped to reflect.

I met the second lady in school the next day, just after the first hour of lessons. Again, it took probably just 5 minutes to pray for her. 2 verses of scripture came for her. The presence of the Lord came and we drew refreshing and what we needed of the Lord - which is everything, but for that moment, it was just fresh manna for the day. She thanked me. I told her i was just being obedient to the Lord, what He showed me to do. She smsed me later to say that one of the 2 verses was something the Lord was showing her at present. I was reminded of a third verse which i smsed her back with.

Later that day (the day of the prayer school), i was chatting with someone over the msn regarding church, and the anointing again hit me when we were speaking about ministry stuff which she needed help with. When i agreed to do something in obedience to the Lord, and in submission to her leadership in that area, i told her i felt the anointing. initially, she thought i was joking, but just a while later, she said she felt it too. Wow! Amazing! His presence transcends internet connections.

But of course!! :D

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