Tuesday 3 March 2009

the abundant life

What is this abundant life?

It is knowing the Lord God who loves us so much that He gave His beloved Son so that we can have a personal relationship with Him. We could not have come to Him on our own because of our sinful nature. But when Jesus came, He lived as a man and yet was without sin. Therefore, He earned the right to give His life, becoming sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God through Him. Because of this, we can come to our heavenly Father personally and boldly, even intimately to find help and mercy in time of need.

This relationship with the Lord is the abundant life.

It is knowing that our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally, choosing to love us even in our unworthiness, while we were yet sinners. Out of this relationship flows His blessings and favour.

One of the greatest blessings is salvation. This salvation that God has given through Jesus Christ does not only include eternal life - we can live in the presence of God forever. Our spirits live forever. Together with eternal life, Jesus came to give life and that we might have it abundantly.

Life is not abundant when we live in pain, or sickness, or in lack. 2 Cor 8:9 shows us that Jesus became poor that we might become rich.

And yes it is about having joy unspeakable and peace that passeth all understanding.
It is about enjoying unconditional love, and receiving undeserved mercy.
It is about living in divine health, and walking in unlimited grace.
It is about knowing that you are NEVER alone as you live life according to His plans and purposes for you.
It is knowing that His supply and resources in material terms will never run out.
It is about being fulfilled to the very core of your soul.

This salvation that Jesus obtained for us is for our spirit, soul and body.

Because we are born again, our spirits quickened or made alive, we are able to commune with Him spirit to spirit.

Our salvation begins in the spirit and is spiritual in nature. But because we live in this physical world, salvation impacts our bodies in terms of health and provision of food, shelter, clothes etc. His salvation plan thus includes our needs being met as stated in Philippians 4:19, and "all these things will be given to us" in Matthew 6:33. In the context of Matthew 6, Jesus was talking about clothes and food. Yet, as Matthew 6:33 also exhorts, we are to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, not "these things". And as we focus on "things above", things material will be "added unto us".

What about our soul? Well, so much of the spiritual blessings in terms of joy, peace, love etc., actually has to do with the soul.
Don't worry, for I have prepared a place for you...
Do not fear, for I am with you...
Don't be anxious, but in everything...
Rejoice! And again i say Rejoice!
These are but part of what the Word of God encourages, even urges us to do.
And these have to do with our emotional well-being...

Moreover, in order to fulfill the Great Commission, we need resources - financial, human; we need to physically strong and emotionally well-adjusted, we need to know who we are in Christ, what we can do in Him, and what His plans for us are. And this comes back to the relationship we have with our heavenly Father.

This is the abundant life. This is the eternal life. Knowing and being with our heavenly Father, and having all the resources that He has provided for us made available to us through His Son, and being able to commune with Him through the Holy Spirit.

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