Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Quotes 11 - Prayer

Prayer is life connection.

Prayer does not give us anything, but allows what is already in us become real and active.

One should be more interested in hearing from God than speaking to Him.
Our inner witness is developed through our relationship with Him so that we become more sensitive.

Don't just seek His plan or His will, but His face.

Prayer is not begging God to do something which He is unwilling to do. It is not overcoming reluctance in God.
Prayer is enforcing the victory that Christ won over satan.
It is implementing on earth, heaven's decision concerning the affairs of men.
Calvary legally destroyed satan and cancelled all his claims.
So fix your faith on the God who ANSWERS prayer.
If you have any limitations in your mind concerning the unlimited power that God will manifest in response to your prayers, get rid of them.
(Morris Cerullo)

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