Saturday 22 August 2009

rekindling friendships

I had been thinking often about my ex-colleague in the past few months. We lost contact for about 10 years, and i was wondering how she was doing and how to contact her. She had been a great help to me when i first started teaching. She resigned shortly after her first child was born.

This desire, i believe, was born of the fact that I had also been praying for godly friends in the past year.

My ex-colleague had also been praying about how to get in touch with me.

It's amazing how the Holy Spirit speaks to us.

However, it had slipped both my mind and my ex-colleague's that we had mutual contacts (her 2 good friends from her sunday school days were my cousin and cousin-in-law.

Meanwhile, my cousin, who lives in Sydney, came for a visit, and we met in early july for a nice nonya buffet. It was wonderful fellowship with her, as the last time we had a tete-a-tete was before either of us were married, at the pool in my parents' condominium.

Two weeks later, she met my ex-colleague at a funeral wake of the latter's relative. They exchanged handphone numbers and decided to meet on the Friday before my cousin left for Sydney (actually on the very next day). In the meantime, my ex-colleague woke up with a start in the middle of the night, and called out my name (so drama, right? We were literature teachers...haha) and made the connection in an instant. It was the prompting of the Holy Spirit, an answer to our prayers. She smsed my cousin the very next morning and asked for my number. My cousin, not knowing we had not met for 10 years, said that she will give the number when they met on Friday.

I made an appointment with my cousin on the same day, but would meet her later after her date with my ex-colleague. My parents and i came to pick my cousin's husband and kids first. My ex-colleague was also supposed to pick up my cousin, but we did not meet because she had lost her way, but i heard their conversation over the handphone. Our car went off first, so we did not get to meet.

An hour later, my cousin smsed me that she was actually meeting my ex-colleague. I was dumbstruck, then started rejoicing as it was an answer to my prayerful desire. I called my cousin back immediately, and asked to speak to her. We both were almost speechless, almost tearing with emotion.

My cousin finally gave me her number when we met that afternoon. I smsed my ex-colleague immediately, and made an appointment the following week.

It was good meeting up with her. We hugged, with tears shining in our eyes. We talked like the good friends we were, as if ten years had not separated us. We ate well, shared memories of the past, caught up with 10 years of lost time, encouraging each other in the process. Her faith is as strong as ever. Though we had differences in some bible doctrines, but we were spurring each other to love and good works.

God is good to bring us together again. I believe our lives will be richer with each other present, just like they were more than a decade ago.

We met the second time, just this week, but that's material for another entry. :D

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