Monday 21 January 2008

there's gonna be more

we had an awesome prayer meeting where we worshiped the Lord for 40 minutes without realising it, and there was a time of consecration before the Lord. There was just 2 songs and we just lifted our hearts in praise.

We then prayed for a missionary to Nepal who was back on home visit, (there was a prophetic song, and some words of encouragement for her), then our pastor, then our congregation leaders. We gathered around these people in turn, lifted our voices and prayed.

I was gonna lead the people into praying for outreach events when hubby told me that he had it in his spirit to continue in worship. There was an agreement in my spirit, so i led them in worship with one of the songs prepared, but the worship leader had not used it earlier.

There was such a cry of consecration again from among us. I saw in my spirit people coming to the front and kneeling in surrender to the Lord. It took me a couple of minutes before i released that as i was checking with the Lord. I had done the same thing last year, and there was no response, so there was a fear there. I told the Holy Spirit that this was His to orchestrate, and if there was no response, it was to Him the people were responding, not to me and what i could say or do. Then i yielded.

One by one, the people came up. There were at least 12-15 people kneeling on the floor, on the cushion at the altar railing. Tears were flowing from some as they prayed on their own and fellowshiped with the Lord. A few stood where they were and just worshiped. I saw one who did not move to the front just kneel where she was. There was such a move of the Spirit in their lives, as they both ministered to and were ministered by the Lord.

All GLORY be unto Him.

There's gonna be more!

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