Mears explains in her book how each of the four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John—give us a unique, four-dimensional portrait of the Savior.
According to Mears:
- Matthew was written to Jews to tell of a Promised Savior who is also a King—and it uses the word “kingdom” 55 times.
- Mark was written to Gentiles to tell of a Powerful Savior—and it reports more miracles than any other gospel.
- Luke was written by a Gentile to tell of a Perfect Savior—and it has the most references to Jesus’ humanity.
- John was written by “the disciple whom Jesus loved” to tell of a Personal Savior—and it has the most references to Jesus’ divine nature.
The Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible knew we needed more than a one-, two- or three-dimensional look at Jesus. The Spirit gave us a four-dimensional view so that we could gaze at Him from all sides and become captivated by His magnificence—His supreme kingship, His compassionate mercy, His supernatural power, His perfect justice, His amazing humility and His love for sinners like you and me.
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