I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own yet; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. ~Philippians 3:13-14~
Thursday, 31 December 2009
launching pads?
"Your lowest points are launching pads to God's greatest promotions."
This is certainly very encouraging, teaching us to view difficulties and trials as opportunities for growth and maturity, even increase in various areas in our lives or ministry or family.
When we go through challenges, we really need to see them in perspective:
through eyes of eternity (which means whatever we encounter is but temporal),
and through the blood of Jesus, shed to give us victory in our lives, to make us overcomers (which means we prevail over our circumstances.
Of course it is hard to keep things in perspective when you've just been dealt a great blow or a series of punches with no holds barred, and while most of the time, if one is walking close to God, one is prepared. There's still the unexpected that bowls you over, dropping you in a deep swirling pit. But it is still only temporary, and victory WILL come.
So we 'lean' on the Everlasting Arms.
We can be bewildered and puzzled, but those Arms are strong.
We may not understand all because indeed His thoughts and plans are higher, loftier than our own, but His character is steadfast.
Yes, He does tell us things ahead of time. That's what the Holy Spirit is supposed to do.
Yet, the secret things belong to the Lord.
Yet again, the bible tells us that He reveals great and unsearchable things to those who seek Him.
I realise that i'm not here to figure things out on my own.
Instead i rest in Him, in His relationship with me (not so much my relationship with Him, the difference is the focus on His initiative first, then my response), and trust that He will continue to open the eyes of my understanding, continue to reveal His plans and purposes to me, and the secrets that i want to understand.
In my heart of heart, i'm not looking for any promotions.
In my heart of hearts, i just want to glorify Him with my life, including how i respond to Him and to my circumstances in my lowest points.
Let my life be a song of praise to my Lord.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
I've had a breakthrough in my life recently where God broke through my defence of vulnerabilities and sensitivities, pain and confusion, to reach within. An deep assurance that He is. An intense awareness of who i am. A sharp focus of His purpose in me.
A quick pull and i was hurled out of the pit.
It was precious.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
CALL to intimacy (from Morris Cerullo)
We will be barren, cut off from the divine life flow of God, without a renewed dedication through prayer.
[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death (Phil. 3:10, AMP.).
When you wait for the Lord in prayer, it is not a passive action. The word "wait" in the Scripture means to remain in readiness or expectation. After we pour our hearts out to the Lord, we are to wait, to act in faith, and remain in a state of expectancy, knowing He will make us victorious.
When you truly learn how to wait for the Lord in prayer, you will be immovable! Instead of expecting your help to come from natural sources, your spiritual vision will be focused! Your hope, your expectation and your confidence will be fixed on Him and His promises, and you will not be fearful regardless of what you face.
As you wait for the Lord in prayer, you come into an intimacy with Him where you are able to hear His voice. He opens His heart to you and reveals His will and plan for your life. He gives you discernment to know what actions to take to be victorious in every circumstance and battle you face. When you wait before Him, He reveals His timing, and positions you for victory. Then as you pray according to what He has shown you and whispered to you during your time of intimacy with Him, you are able to take the victory you need in your life— in your physical body, in your finances, in your family and in your ministry.
Friday, 13 November 2009
My Tribute: birthday reflections - childhood years (Year 1 to Year 12)
I just celebrated my birthday a few days ago. In recounting the events, this exercise took on a life of its own, becoming more detailed as i went along, remembering either actual memories, or accounts told to me by those close to me.
As i reflected on the events and milestones in my life, i gave thanks to the Lord for His Hand upon my life, and the foundations of faith laid upon my life by my parents.
Year 0 - Mum gave birth to me. Her water bag burst after her own birthday celebration with her extended family, and of course my dad., and i was born the next day. From this year on, i have the privilege of celebrating my birthday together with her. Being the first child, my parents did not know better, and i only slept after many minutes of being shaken in their arms.
Year 1 - Already, i had thick unruly hair which stuck out and up (i've had more than my fair share of bad hair days. thank God for hair-conditioner which helps tame my mane today. No more bad hair days! :D).
Year 2 - My parents say i was quite bold in singing in front of relatives and friends, complete with actions. I did not like the feel of sand or grass under my feet, and would cry when placed on those surfaces.
Year 3 - Halfway through this year, my brother was born. My parents recounted that i was somewhat jealous of him. They caught me once, climbing up on the stool, leaning over the cot, and pinching him. The only reason i was caught is he cried when i pinched him. What a cry baby!
Year 4 - I started music lessons at yamaha. Very fun, got actions, and little instruments like triangle, castinets, etc. I would place all the food i want to eat on my plate, and then not be able to finish it.
Year 5 - Continued music lessons and was involved in my first concert. Started at PAP kindergarten near my place in Toa Payoh. Remember my neighbour or one of her two sons walking me to school around mid-morning as my parents were teaching in school then. After school, the two boys and i would play hide and seek under blankets stretched across chairs and tables. My brother was placed under the care of another neighbour.
Year 6 - Started piano lessons. Graduated from PAP kindergarten. Somewhere there is a photo of my graduating class. I looked pretty pale. Fainted some time after the photo-taking.
Year 7 - Started primary school near my place. Parents forgot to register me for school on the designated day. But thank God the principal who was a close friend allowed me to be slotted in. I was no. 41 in my class, 1B. Remembered sitting on those patterned woven mats.
Year 8 - Took my grade 1 piano and theory exams.
Year 9 - Took grade 3 piano and theory exams. Quit brownies which i actually liked a lot - brown uniform complete with yellow-gold scarf with a bronze-gold pin, I was an elf - all because i could not skip rope. Switched to music ensemble. No uniform. Repetitive rehearsals. Started wearing glasses?
Year 10 - Took grade 4 piano exam. Moved to Sims Drive. Took part in my school group poetry reciting competition with the hymn: Happiness is the Lord. The teacher who trained us, also my form teacher, was Christian, hence the song. Around this time, my father started teaching at a school less than 1km away from our primary school, so my brother (he attended the same school the following year) and i would hang around in his school after ours was over. Switched to English Sunday School and English service at this time. Before this was Chinese Sunday School and Hokkien Service where my grandfather was pastoring.
Year 11 - Became school prefect. Very serious about my tasks and responsibilities. I was becoming less shy too. I remember being the emcee of a school event. Took Grade 5 piano and theory exams.
Year 12 - I started to realise the significance of being born again. I became assured of my salvation, no longer putting up my hand when the altar call was given at Sunday school. I still remember all the choruses we sang in one of the classrooms of that tiny 2-classroom building between the church and the school. I made friends in sunday school whom i still am in contact with today. Life-long friends. God was becoming more real and personal to me. I had always enjoyed going to church, but it was more like part of my family routine/part of life thing. Took Grade 6 piano exam.
Other things i remember were:
Family services a few times a week 'instituted' by my father when we moved to Sims Drive. We sang hymns like What A Friend, Saviour Like A Shepherd, etc. (he had them printed out) which later evolved to include choruses like This is the Day, and other songs of praise from Hosanna Integrity (thin brown booklet, followed by blue booklet). We took turns choosing what we liked to sing. Papa would read from the Bible or follow a family devotional. We would end with prayer. Papa was quite a pray-er, and he would pray around the world for at least half hour. I remember often nodding off as we knelt around the bed. Later my brother and I persuaded him to allow us to kneel on the bed, which were softer on the knees. And with our head on the soft pillow as we knelt on the bed, we would find ourselves drifiting in and out during prayer and be woken up to echo Papa's resounding AMEN! Our hour long family service (at least 20-30 minutes prayer) would sometimes be much shorter if one of us other than Papa prayed. But Papa was not satisfied with our 3 minute prayer. Often he would continue after we stopped, and our prayer 'ordeal' took place night after night. Later mum began to love praying more and more, and our hour long services increased by half an hour to 1.5 hours! We learnt from this about family prayer and praise life, how to have a relationship with God, how God should be an important part of family life. We also learnt how to lead in praise and worship through choosing songs that were meaningful.
Being at church choir practices my parents (usually my dad sang in the choir; mum joined in after my brother and i were older) were in, were really fun. That was my introduction to choral singing and choral life.
Mum taught us to love books. When we tore a page, whether intentionally or accidentally, she would show us how to tape it back with scotch-tape, making it almost as good as new. Her teaching method; show by example, was extremely successful. I grew to love books. I did not even want to have dog eared covers or pages. I don't think that was her purpose. But that was what was instilled in me. Dog-ears in books hurt me.
I would read till i forget to eat. I had favourite books which i re-read over and over again. I remember this irked Papa.
We also played monopoly and dominoes and blackjack (no gambling allowed; we had to constantly assure papa that we will not become gambling addicts). Mum instilled in us the love of counting. Her educational pedagogy: learning through playing games.
I grew up not liking dolls - their eyes were not real. I loved soft toys - more cuddly.
I remember having sleepovers at my cousin Eunice's place and Aunty Pat's place with cousin Eunice. That was before she moved to Australia with her family. I was fascinated by my cousin, who was an interesting and humorous story teller, and she always had different games to play.
I also remember the Child Evangelism Fellowship meetings where mum invited children of neighbours and sometimes her school kids. I helped to serve drinks and also held on to BIG song prompts or BIG story books. My favourite song was Did You Ever Talk TO God Above, and my favourite story was about a little mexican boy who learnt about Jesus and introduced Him to his family.
I hated to practise the piano. it was a lonely and tedious time when i had to practise drills, songs and scales over and over again. From 11 years old, i spent hours talking to parents about wanting to stop, but they were more stubborn than i was. And they were 2 of them against 1 of me. So i completed my Grade 8 piano and theory exams at 14. My brothers were more successful in persuading them, or perhaps by that time, my parents' determination had been worn thin. But looking back, i am glad my parents made me persevere.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
singing to one another...
Colossians 3:16 (AMP)
Let the word [spoken by] Christ (the Messiah) have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in [all its] richness, as you teach and admonish and train one another in all insight and intelligence and wisdom [in spiritual things, and as you sing] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to God with [His] grace in your hearts.
I love how the Amplified Version puts it: "Let that the Word spoken by Christ the Messiah have its home".
As the saying goes, home is where the heart is.
Here, home is where the word is and the word is in our hearts.
And as the word of God dwells in our hearts, there is going to be an outflow... of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs... full of wisdom and intelligence and insight into spiritual things.
Some have asked me how to know the things of God, how to know spiritual things. We have to put the Word in our hearts, we have to spend time knowing His Word. Then the outflow mentioned above will naturally come.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
strength to strength
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.
There's living water, there's refreshing for those who trust in you, who continue to seek you. They don't stay in places and situations of difficulties and challenges and sorrow. They move on, AFTER having made it a refreshing even for themselves, even for others... praying and believing in a visitation of the Lord, an encounter with Him. Even in such times, they grow in strength!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Old Testament
Hebrew - shûb (read as shoob)
= to turn back, deliver (again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again), repent, requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse, reward...
- health: flesh, hand,
- property in terms of crops, homes, lands
- cities and towns
- rule/leadership/kingdom/dominion
- life
- altar/temple of the Lord
- soul
- the joy of our salvation
- relationship with God; to be in His presence
- the nation
- comfort
- devastated places
- sanity
- family
- finances
- social status
- righteous state
- restore twice (Zechariah 9:12)
New Testament
Greek - apokathistēmi (read as ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee)
= to reconstitute (in health, home or organization): - restore (again).
- sight to the blind - Matthew 9:30. Mark 8:25
- withered hand became whole - Matthew 12:13; Mark 3:5; Luke 6:10
Greek - katartizō (read as kat-ar-tid'-zo)
= to complete thoroughly, that is, repair (literally or figuratively) or adjust: - fit, frame, mend, (make) perfect (-ly join together), prepare, restore.
- restore from sin - Galatians 6:1
Greek - stērizō (read as stay-rid'-zo)
= to set fast, that is, (literally) to turn resolutely in a certain direction, or (figuratively) to confirm: - fix, (e-) stablish, stedfastly set, strengthen.
- restore to strength in the midst of suffering - 1 Peter 5:10
Friday, 9 October 2009
peace and joy from within
Sometimes we pray for a good 30-40 minutes or more, but yesterday, after about 10-12 minutes, there was a sense of such peace in His presence, so we kept quiet for a while and just enjoyed His presence. Joy just bubbled forth from my spirit. We turned to each other and hugged, and just then a half-remembered chorus rose up from my spirit:
And i will run to You
To Your Word of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the Spirit of God
These words brought such comfort to me. His Word of truth is full of wisdom and life and spirit. The Word of God is my homing device - a mechanism in a guided missile (that is me - i'm guided by the Holy Spirit) which guides the missile, to my objective or target, either by signals or an internal homing device. How apt a metaphor. Signs from the word of God or my spirit in communion with the Holy Spirit.
I then tried to sleep, humming the portion i remembered, but soon i was out of bed and onto the internet searching for the words of the whole song. There's a you tube video - 7:55 - of Darlene Zschech leading worship with this song which i worshiped along...
Then i lay down to sleep, but again, i was too excited. i was soon up as there was such a yearning to read Isaiah - part of my daily reading. I was at Chapter 8. As my eyes searched for the place to start reading, they landed on Isaiah 8:17 (AMP)
And I will wait for the Lord... and I will look for and hope in Him.
followed by Isaiah 12:4-6 (AMP)
4And in that day you will say, Give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name and by means of His name [in solemn entreaty]; declare and make known His deeds among the peoples of the earth, proclaim that His name is exalted! 5Sing praises to the Lord, for He has done excellent things [gloriously]; let this be made known to all the earth. 6Cry aloud and shout joyfully, you women and inhabitants of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
Finally, I read Isaiah 55:12-13 (NKJV)
“ For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree,
And it shall be to the LORD for a name,
For an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off."
Joy, peace and fruitfulness are promised when we obey the Lord and follow His plan, and our obedience will bring lasting glory and witness to His Name.
I slept, satisfied, contented.
Monday, 28 September 2009
i find you waiting
I was in church worshiping the Lord, and He broke through all my defences when the words i was singing brought a vision of His waiting for me.
You are the Peace that guards my heart
My help in time of need
You are the Hope that leads me on
And brings me to my knees
For there I find You waiting
And there I find release
So with all my heart I’ll worship
And unto You I’ll sing
For You alone deserve all glory
For You alone deserve all praise
Father, we worship and adore You
Father, we long to see Your face
For You alone deserve all glory
For You alone deserve all praise
Father, we love You
And we worship You this day
This revelation brought me to my knees in worship.
Like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son, I see our Heavenly Father waiting. He is not angry anymore. His anger had been spent on His Son when Jesus was crucified on the cross. He sees me in Jesus, and His arms are outstretched to embrace me.
Thank you, Lord, that you are always 'there' for me. You never leave nor forsake me. I'm here for you too, to be used by you, but more than that, to love and worship you.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
no mixture...without measure
Came across the following article by Joy F. Strang. Powerful message...
One day when I was driving down the highway, a song came on my CD player. Some of the phrases rang in my spirit: "I am so tired of compromising/ I am so tired of lukewarm living/ I want to go against the grain/ Set me on fire." I hit the repeat button over and over. As I listened, I was struck by the thought that many Christians today live in a state of compromise.
It hasn't always been that way. There have been times in history when the church lived by a different standard than the world and had eternal impact. During the days of the early church, for example, the new believers went straight to the marketplace after being baptized in the Spirit and declared what had happened. As far as we know from the biblical record, no one told them to do that; they just had such an intense awareness of who Jesus—glorified and risen—is that they were compelled to share it!
Even in the midst of the persecution that attended their testimonies, they could not keep silent. The Bible tells us that many were scattered to other regions, and "those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went" (Acts 8:4, NIV). Miraculous signs followed those who believed.
What was different about the early church? I believe they had a greater revelation of who Jesus is. Some had seen and heard Him in person and witnessed His mighty miracles. Others who had not seen Him personally had heard firsthand testimonies from those who had.
But there is no lack of seeing and hearing today. We have access to the eyewitness accounts of Scripture and the Holy Spirit within and among us. Why don't we experience the realm of power that is recorded in the book of Acts? Could our lack of revelation of who Jesus is be tied to a lack of purity in heart?
I once heard a well-known leader say that God told Him, "Where there is no mixture, I will pour out my Spirit without measure." The words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 5:8 support this statement: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." We will see God if our hearts are pure—that is, if there is no mixture in them.
A mixture is a combination of more than one element. The Spirit of God plus our carnal nature is a mixture. God's life plus the ways and ideas of the world is a mixture. God condemns such impurity: "Don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God" (James 4:4).
The world needs to see a church—without mixture—operating in God's power. Are you willing to be one He uses for His purpose? Ask Him for a fresh revelation of who He is and begin to look at the world around you from an eternal viewpoint. Just like the believers in the early church, we as Spirit-led women are called to change the world!
Sunday, 20 September 2009
be strong and very courageous
At times, during these times of prayer, i would briefly wonder whether i would hear from Him, but i remember that in the Word, He says He hears me when pray according to His will (1 John 5:14-15) and when i speak in tongues, i speak mysteries to God (1 Corinthians 14:2).
For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding]. (AMP)
Thus i was assured that my answer would surely come, and that though my mind did not understand what i speak in tongues, my spirit being was edified (1 Corinthians 14:4 and Jude 20).
So i persevered through the week.
Isaiah 40:31 became so real to me during this week. I was literally strengthened as i waited, intertwined with the Lord. The amplified version says it well:
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.
In the meantime, God was showing me about the benefits of tongues. Even though i was seeking Him regarding an area in my life, I was able to pray for others. There were varied prayer assignments that arose during the week - friends in HK experiencing typhoon, people i don't know in parts of China experiencing the same typhoon which had shifted there, a friend undergoing urgent surgery, cousins' mum who had a fall and shattered her hip, church friends who experienced a series of difficulties recently, cousins' friends having marital problems.
I am not boasting about myself. If anything, i am boasting about His strength in me. When i was uncertain about my next step, i turned to Him, read the Word and was strengthened. Whilst in the process of being strengthened, still having no answers as yet in the natural, but having faith that God is with me, has heard me and will answer me, rivers of living water were flowing out from me (John 7:38).
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (NKJV)
I could still minister and encourage others in the process because throughout this personal challenge i was facing, i was still plugged into God, drawing all the more upon His grace and strength.
It was a conscious and deliberate decision on my part to take my eyes off myself and my situation and onto God, and although i won't say it was a struggle, i won't say it was a piece of cake either. What i'll say is that the Holy Spirit led me and spoke to me when i read His Word, listened to online sermons, praise and worshiped Him, and as friends shared with me.
I started hearing from Him very clearly on Friday morning regarding what is ahead. This particular minister was sharing from Joshua 1:5-9, and the words BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS stood out.
5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (AMP)
3 times God spoke to Joshua the same phrase, and 3 times this phrase resounded in my spirit, especially the 2nd phrase: Only be strong and VERY courageous. I was much encouraged. As i meditated on this, things begin to fit together. I don't have all my answers yet, and i certainly don't have all the steps yet. But i know the attitude i can put on because God is with me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is with me wherever i go. Verse 9 says clearly too that i should not be afraid nor dismayed, so i am shaking off those attitudes.
I will be strong and very courageous for my God is with me. Such blessed assurance!
Friday, 18 September 2009
revival labours
At times there was opposition to the revivals. The Lord showed Finney to leave everything to Him and go about his work. At one revival, in which Brother Nash was working with Finney, a group of young men set themselves in opposition to the work. They were like a bulwark hindering the progress of the revival.
"In this state of things," writes Finney, "Brother Nash and myself, after consultation, made up our minds that that thing must be overcome by prayer, and that it could not be reached in any other way. We therefore retired to a grove and gave ourselves up to prayer until we prevailed, and we felt confident that no power which earth or hell could interpose would be allowed permanently to stop the revival.
"The next Sabbath, after preaching morning and afternoon myself - for I did the preaching altogether and Brother Nash gave himself up almost continually to prayer - we met at five o'clock in the church for a prayer meeting. The meeting house was filled. Near the close of the meeting, Brother Nash arose, and addressed that company of young men who had joined hand in hand to resist the revival. I believe they were all there, and they sat braced up against the Spirit of God. It was too solemn for them really to make ridicule of what they heard and saw; and yet their brazen-facedness and stiff-neckedness were apparent to everybody."
"Brother Nash addressed them very earnestly, and pointed out the guilt and danger of the course they were taking. Toward the close of his address he waxed exceeding warm and said to them:"
"Now, mark me, young men! God will break your ranks in less than one week, either by converting some of you, or by sending some of you to hell. He will do this as certainly as the Lord is my God!"
"He was standing where he brought his hand down on the top of the pew before him so as to make it thoroughly jar. He sat immediately down, dropped his head, and groaned with pain."
"The house was as still as death, and most of the people held down their heads. I could see that the young men were agitated. For myself, I regretted that Brother Nash had gone so far. He had committed himself that God would either take the life of some of them, and send them to hell, or convert some of them within a week."
"However on Tuesday morning of the same week, the leader of these young men came to me in the greatest distress of mind. He was all prepared to submit; and as soon as I came to press him he broke down like a child, confessed, and manifestly gave himself to Christ."
"He then said, 'What shall I do, Mr. Finney?'"
"I replied, 'Go immediately to all your companions, and pray with them, and exhort them at once to turn to the Lord.'"
"He did so; and before the week was out, nearly if not all of that class of young men, were hoping in Christ." The Spirit of the Lord was outpoured and the revival soon went forward with great power.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
mary knew!
I've been meditating one of the statements that stood out for me: Mary knew when it was time for Jesus to do his first miracle at the wedding.
How did Mary know?
Many of us focus on the birth of Jesus and assume that the Magnificat was the only time she heard from heaven, or perhaps not even aware that God is continuing to speak to her through various events and people in her life. Still, the Magnificat shows us clearly Jesus' destiny as Messiah. The glorious song of the angelic hosts, the visits from the magi and the shepherds, as well as Joseph's supernatural encounters God's hand, all clearly pointed to Jesus' divine purpose.
We see in Luke 2:19 that all these had a strong impact on her heart, and she continued to meditate on the Words she heard and the events that have taken place.
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
On the 8th day after Jesus was born, he was presented at the temple and circumcised. Moved by the Spirit, Simeon recognised Jesus as the Messiah, and prophesied over the baby and His mother things that will take place in their lives in the future. Luke 2:33 records Joseph's and Mary's reactions to the extraordinary prophecy:
The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him.
Anna also knew in her spirit who Jesus was, and began to preach to all.
Fast forward to Jesus at 12 years of age: He remained behind and was discussing the Word of God with the teachers. People were amazed at His answers and understanding. Here, Jesus was beginning to understand His own role as Messiah and relationship with God as Father, as evidenced by his answer in Luke 2:49 to his parents who were anxiously seeking Him:
"Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"
Again, it is recorded that Mary treasured these things, and perhaps in the years to come, began to understand more, although not fully, what Jesus was supposed to do:
Luke 2:50-51
50But they did not understand what he was saying to them. 51Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.
In those interim years, where nothing much was recorded of Jesus' life except that he grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with both God and man, Mary must have continued to observe and hear from the Holy Spirit so that in John 2:5, which was after Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist, she could state boldly and firmly:
His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
Did she know better than Jesus? Jesus did say just before she instructed the servants that his time had not yet come.
The answer could be found in the miracle of water being turned into wine, and that was the best wine the wedding guests had tasted at the wedding.
Jesus performed his first miracle, and Mary knew His time had come. I believe she heard from the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
a new song
Your faith in you is activated
by the words you speak
with power to make what is dead come alive
to wake that which lies dormant
As you speak forth His Word
miracles are born
plans are fulfilled
As you believe you speak
His Word charged with His spirit and life
dreams and hopes resurrected
bursting into reality
It is interesting that i later read Romans 10:8-11 (see amplified version below)
8But what does it say? The Word (God's message in Christ) is near you, on your lips and in your heart; that is, the Word (the message, the basis and object) of faith which we preach, 9Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation. 11The Scripture says, No man who believes in Him [who adheres to, relies on, and trusts in Him] will [ever] be put to shame or be disappointed.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
We walked again on Saturday evening. This time, as my ankles were still very slightly tender, i asked for a shorter distance. Hubby promised that we will walk 3km, at the most. We ended up walking about 5km from Bedok Camp to East Coast Parkway Food Village.
We spent a leisurely hour with my in-laws, including our niece and nephew, flying the kite (one single kite, and we had to take turns) and playing snakes and ladders, before having dinner. After dinner, it was time to head home. We walked to the bus stop almost 2km away, took the bus, and then walked again.
A grand total of 17.5km.
Thank God i recovered quickly this time as hubby made sure i warmed down, though my big toe feels somehow out of place. :D
So yes, walking is relaxing and therapeutic, and good for the body.
Monday, 7 September 2009
an open vision
At the end of his testimony, he gave an altar call, and many responded in the video. 2 ladies among us were already tearing, and the speaker himself was wiping tears off his face. The anointing and presence of God was strong, even in our room. The cry of my heart and of other believers was that God will touch those who did not know Him yet.
When the host of our fellowship asked whether we had any comments or responses, there was the usual awkward silence. After a while, as the host scanned round the room at the 12 of us, one lady spoke up, unable to control her tears: I saw Jesus smile at me. His face was full of love. I felt His love as He came towards me. He is very real. I'm sorry i'm crying.
I was tasked to follow up with her, so we just ended with prayer.
I went to her and spoke to her, and found out that it was an open vision. Her eyes were open, and she saw Jesus as the rest of us in the room faded. She said that Jesus is real, but so is Buddha - whom she is more familiar with, because of her family background. I responded that Buddha never professed to be god. Only Jesus did. She admitted that she had peace whenever she stepped into a church situation, and having studied in a mission school, and having been brought to church periodically by her aunt since she was seven, she admired the teachings of Jesus. But all, whether Jesus or Buddha, led to the same God. I explained further.
She understood but needed more time to come to a final decision, although she felt she was close to a decision. She again told her encounter with Jesus, amazed by His love, and wondered whether if she had not gone to the fellowship, would she have missed it. Perhaps she should have never gone. It was merely a casual decision to attend, and she received so much.
I assured her that this was an encounter planned by our loving God, and she should not miss it for anything.
I just realised while writing this that God's love is so great, that He would have gotten through to her in other ways. I will tell her the next time i speak to her.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
active aid
Monday, 31 August 2009
note from the past
"Where to go?
I do not know what you want to teach me. I feel lost with all these choices before me and me with no inkling at all. I like many things - singing, writing, talking to people and learning about them. I want to serve you too. What am actually to do next? And what am i to do in the meantime besides studying?"
Looking back, God has shown me His will and led me step by step. He has never left me nor forsaken me through all my days.
He will continue to lead me!
Friday, 28 August 2009
As hands were laid on hubby and me, I felt the anointing of the Lord 'whoosh' into me, the weight of His anointing pushing me down on my knees. There was a burning in my spirit, and i knew it was a desire of the Lord. And as i opened my mouth, i was amazed at the force behind the word that was spoken: SOULS!! It was a cry that birthed from the very throne of God, a yearning that came forth from the very depths of my spirit, a desire that superseded all my other desires.
I had not realized the strength of that desire that God had placed in me. As i was pondering over these things, i began to understand that the Lord was showing me what my focus should always be.
I have been singing songs about the greater things God is going to do, the love of the Father in sending Jesus and how our response should be, and our desire to see the nations whole and healed, in preparation for a missions banquet this Sunday. I believe the Holy Spirit has been using these songs to touch my heart, and help me focus.
From each of the three songs, i thought i'd just share lines that have impacted me.
"Greater things have yet to come, Greater things are still to be done in (these) cities...
Where glory shines from hearts alive, with praise for you and love for you in (these) cities..."
"In sweet abandon, let me be spilled out and used up (wasted) for Thee."
"Break me for the nations
Let my heart become Your heart for all the world"
That last line is the very line that God showed me during that prayer time.
It was His heart speaking in my heart and from my mouth: SOULS!!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
introducing baby zee

He's just turned 15 days old today. Really cute and adorable, with features of both mum and dad.

Monday, 24 August 2009
rekindling friendships (continued)
I had known this friend as she attended the same church before she was married in the early 90s, and moved off to attend her husband's church. We had kept in touch with through their newsletters at least once a year, sometimes more often. Their newsletters regarding their ministry were always very interesting, with lessons from their experiences, and insights about God and His Word. Over this period, i probably replied only a few times.
We first knew each other when i was in secondary school, and she was in uni. I was only a few years younger, but mid to late teens can be quite different from early to mid twenties, and we moved in entirely different church groups. However, I remembered finding her very pretty (she is still very pretty) and her wedding invitation, which had the phrase: "each for the other, together for the Lord" impacted me. I used it for my own wedding a few years later.
A new acquaintance of mine was instrumental in bringing my friend's husband into a discussion meeting we had regarding a particular project i was helping out in. I immediately replied in the email that i knew this man, but i only replied to the new acquaintance. Later i forwarded this same email to all involved in the discussion meeting to remind them regarding the date and time. The very next day, my friend wrote that she wanted to meet up.
It was strange because she had also been thinking of me every since her friend, which was the ex-colleague i mentioned in my previous entry, shared with her about how God had answered her prayer about contacting me. At that time however, she just thought it was strange how my friend had found someone with the same name as me, and who also was a teacher. She didn't realise it was just one and the same person. I quickly replied and said yes, i would love to meet up with her.
We had a good time when we met up. She hadn't changed much, really, though it's been probably 15 years since i had seen her in person.
Half an hour into our date. My ex-colleague appeared - she had a gift for me too!
It was like hitting double jackpot for me. Haha! God doubly answered my prayer for godly friends. I believe we were mutually encouraged. I certainly was strengthened in my walk with God as i heard their testimonies of faith and God's goodness in their lives.
I'm looking forward to more dates with my godly friends.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
rekindling friendships
This desire, i believe, was born of the fact that I had also been praying for godly friends in the past year.
My ex-colleague had also been praying about how to get in touch with me.
It's amazing how the Holy Spirit speaks to us.
However, it had slipped both my mind and my ex-colleague's that we had mutual contacts (her 2 good friends from her sunday school days were my cousin and cousin-in-law.
Meanwhile, my cousin, who lives in Sydney, came for a visit, and we met in early july for a nice nonya buffet. It was wonderful fellowship with her, as the last time we had a tete-a-tete was before either of us were married, at the pool in my parents' condominium.
Two weeks later, she met my ex-colleague at a funeral wake of the latter's relative. They exchanged handphone numbers and decided to meet on the Friday before my cousin left for Sydney (actually on the very next day). In the meantime, my ex-colleague woke up with a start in the middle of the night, and called out my name (so drama, right? We were literature teachers...haha) and made the connection in an instant. It was the prompting of the Holy Spirit, an answer to our prayers. She smsed my cousin the very next morning and asked for my number. My cousin, not knowing we had not met for 10 years, said that she will give the number when they met on Friday.
I made an appointment with my cousin on the same day, but would meet her later after her date with my ex-colleague. My parents and i came to pick my cousin's husband and kids first. My ex-colleague was also supposed to pick up my cousin, but we did not meet because she had lost her way, but i heard their conversation over the handphone. Our car went off first, so we did not get to meet.
An hour later, my cousin smsed me that she was actually meeting my ex-colleague. I was dumbstruck, then started rejoicing as it was an answer to my prayerful desire. I called my cousin back immediately, and asked to speak to her. We both were almost speechless, almost tearing with emotion.
My cousin finally gave me her number when we met that afternoon. I smsed my ex-colleague immediately, and made an appointment the following week.
It was good meeting up with her. We hugged, with tears shining in our eyes. We talked like the good friends we were, as if ten years had not separated us. We ate well, shared memories of the past, caught up with 10 years of lost time, encouraging each other in the process. Her faith is as strong as ever. Though we had differences in some bible doctrines, but we were spurring each other to love and good works.
God is good to bring us together again. I believe our lives will be richer with each other present, just like they were more than a decade ago.
We met the second time, just this week, but that's material for another entry. :D
Monday, 10 August 2009
power of prayer
There were two statements spoken by a missionary of 45 years (in the movie) that spoke powerfully, even unexpectedly to hubby and me:
There is one thing that God's children and His enemies have in common - they both underestimate the power of prayer.
When you know evil exists, you must fight it.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Happy 44th Birthday to Singapore!
Hubby and i were wondering why the church bells rang when it was not noontime on the first day of the month. That is the usual monthly custom of the church.
Then with a start, i realised that it was time for the pledge. I recited our national pledge with at least couple of million Singapore citizens, and at the same time, prayed that many in my precious nation will know who Jesus is. That, i believe, will establish this country as a prosperous and happy nation, able to be a blessing to all other nations.
The pealing of the bells was a clarion call for all men to be saved!
Saturday, 1 August 2009
On the cover was William Booth's portrait, complete with long flowing white beard that almost reached his chest. He was reading his bible.
But what especially caught my eye was this quote written by William Booth in the autograph book of King Edward VII.
Some men's ambition is art.
Some men's ambition is fame.
Some men's ambition is gold.
My ambition is the souls of men!
I gave but a token sum, and was blessed by William Booth's desire, birthed of a divine source.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
eternity in a cab
It was mainly due to the fact i changed my outfit, which needed ironing. I decided to take a cab because it was too late to take the mrt and bus, so i slowed my pace down, decided to wear my highest heels, and packed an extra pair of shoes in case my feet started hurting.
I turned the lock, then reached into my bag to check that i had my keys. That took me a few seconds. When i turned back again to the door, i forgot that i was supposed to unlatch the chain, and just yanked the door open. The whole latch came off the door and hung by the hook. I gave a yelp. Oh no! i had to confess to hubby who was still sleeping. Deciding to sms him first, and then speak to him after the lesson, i went out.
In the lift, i took a deep breath, smsed an apology to hubby about the latch (he has to get it replaced, you see) and decided to focus on the Lord. This is still a good day. I began to pray and praise Him. I got a cab easily within a couple of minutes as usual (mainly due to the location of my home, and of course the blessing of the Lord). When i got in, i gave instructions to the cab driver regarding destination and which way to go. He kindly suggested another route. I agreed.
As we reached the expressway, he began to hum and sing along with the Mandarin 'oldies' that was playing. I was distracted by the music, but at the same time, impressed he could remember all the lyrics and began to compliment him on his singing, together with the fact that he was so relaxed driving in the morning traffic. I had begun the trip wanting just to relax and pray in the cab, but sensed the Holy Spirit leading otherwise. We began to chat in Mandarin, and in my heart, i was praying for an opportunity to speak to him about Jesus.
As we left the expressway, i saw Trinity Christian Church and pointed it out as a landmark i recognised. He asked me whether i attended the church. I said that i had friends who did. He then deduced i was a Christian and began to quote John 3:16, first in Mandarin, then in English. I became really excited, and wanted to know where he had learnt it from. But i had to wait till he finished quoting the verse in both languages, complete with reference!! :D
From an exercise book, he said, and went on to explain that he had a friend who was a teochew pastor. I asked him why he did not believe. His opinion was that all religions are the same. Not really, i ventured, pointing out the difference in a believer's relationship with the Lord, our heavenly Father. He insisted that every religion teaches people to do good. But as Christians, i explained, it becomes possible to do good because of what Jesus did. He says he knows about all this, but had been put off by those who put down or spoke bad about other religions. I tried to defend these people by emphasizing their passion and thus they offended unintentionally, but he disagreed.
We were near my destination. He shared that he used to attend church and he likes the older hymns. He sang his favourite one in Mandarin, and i recognised the tune - What A Friend We Have In Jesus!
Wow...i was very touched. I wished for him to know God's love, and encouraged him to go to church and find out more, saying that God loves him. I would have said more, but i needed to alight.
Next time, i will take time to ask for prayer needs, and to pray for them there and then. It was a moment for eternity, and i needed to learn to take hold and make the most of it. This is what the Holy Spirit showed me to do.
I shared this brief encounter with my class. I believed that it was in God's plan for me to meet the cab driver. At the end of my lesson, we prayed for him and for others we knew personally who needed the Lord - that their eyes will be enlightened, and labourers would be sent along their path.
I believe with all my heart the cab driver and his family will know Jesus.
I believe that as i put distracting, temporal moments aside, which divert me from the purpose that God has for me, then only can i fully focus on moments with eternal impact.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
the life i have now
I enjoy what i do, and am contented with what i have.
I was just referring to specific aspects of my life, and things i am still believing in God for.
His promise is always yes in Christ and in Him amen!!
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
the life i want
Then, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about an aspect of a situation i have been dealing with. I decided to make adjustments.
Thereafter, i was drifting in and out of sleep. But each time, i was awake, i rehearsed in my mind, or whispered to myself:
I will no longer say: "this is not the life i want(ed)" about things that God promised, but i have not seen them being fulfilled in my life, yet.
I will say: "My life is lived according to His plan and purpose and will for me".
Saying that former statement expressed slight self-pity i was not aware of until now, and that is not healthy, not glorifying to God. Saying that statement expressed frustration and that is not faith.
The latter statement expresses faith - I believe, i confess, i receive His promises. This is the kind of life i want to live.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
more on revolutionary counterculture
Then the Holy Spirit alerted me to 1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
Jesus came to make a difference. He revolutionised the world at that time by introducing a new concept of intimacy with God, whom He called "Father". He showed the disciples how to pray by addressing God as Heavenly Father.
Jesus demonstrated the heart of Abba Father when he healed the sick, the lame, the blind, the deaf, the mute, and the broken-hearted. He was tender towards the children, compassionate towards the people of God without a shepherd (spiritual leader), loving towards the physically hungry.
His power and authority displayed in the way he spoke and taught, Jesus amazed the spiritually 'empty' leaders of that time with his wisdom and boldness. He saw beyond their superficial practises into their hearts.
We are called to be His disciples. As born-again believers, God placed in us the Holy Spirit, full of power and glory, so that we can do the same works, and even greater works, because of the sheer numbers that we can form.
Brennan Manning understood this when he concluded that the Work of the Kingdom is not to be carried out by individuals here and now. We can never accomplish this vast work of bringing many souls into the kingdom of God by ourselves.
Instead, we are to proclaim His praises, His excellencies as a generation, a priesthood, a nation, a people. He chose us, and because He called us, He gives us His gifts and His grace to enable us. We are royal, His very own children, belonging to His family, joint heirs with Jesus Christ - this means we have a position and an inheritance. We are seated in the heavenly places in Christ, and are thus able to see things from a high perspective. Moreover the inheritance given to us is unprecedented and unsurpassed - whatever Jesus has, we have, being joint heirs with the Son.
We are holy, even as our heavenly Father is holy, a people set apart for Him and His purpose. Because of Jesus Christ, we are made the righteousness of God. From that position of righteousness, we are able to follow the ways of the Lord and live holy lives. As a special people belonging to the Lord, we walk out His divine plan, fulfilling His divine purpose - TOGETHER.
We form a counterculture when we boldly walk out the truths in God's word, not conforming to the world, but even as we are transformed, other lives are impacted FOREVER.
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
A counterculture is formed by a people daring to be different, not for the sake of being different, but because the God-kind of life placed in our spirits is flowing out. Jesus was that kind of a person. God in Him made Him different. He drew controversy not because he liked or enjoyed it - in fact, it could have pained him - but because He spoke the truth, inevitably stepping on the toes of tradition and meaningless rituals. However, he was unfazed by the accusations and criticisms when He knew that He was following God. He did and said what He saw and heard His Father do or say.
It is time for us to look beyond ourselves.
It is time for walls of indifference - in ourselves, in the church - to crumble.
It is time for to live out who we are in Christ.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
revolutionary counterculture
"If we dared to live beyond our self-concern, if we refused to shrink from being vulnerable, if we took nothing but a compassionate attitude toward the world, if we were a counterculture to our nation's lunatic lust for pride of place, power and possessions, if we preferred to be faithful rather than successful, the walls of indifference to Jesus Christ would crumble.
A handful of us could be ignored by society, but hundreds, thousands, millions of servants would overwhelm the world. ... The call of Jesus Christ is revolutionary. If implemented, we would change the world in a few months."
Pastor went on to say that all believers are called to be priests, dedicating our entire lives to serving God. We are not to be concerned with our own lives alone, or our individual projects, but with the concerns of His Kingdom and His Church.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
sermon notes 5 - praying brings results
1 Corinthians 14:14
2 Corinthians 10:5-6
Be engaged. Tune in to God
Proverbs 17:3
Daniel 3:16
God will deliver!!
Monday, 29 June 2009
hearing from the Holy Spirit
I was blessed by the various illustrations that pastor gave to explain the leading of the Holy Spirit, as well as her personal encounters of His guidance and prompting.
She shared that at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, she boldly read out a verse three times to a pre-believer, even when told by family members that the person was not open to the gospel. She then asked the person whether she wanted to believe, and the person did. Pastor then knew at that moment that she would want to be baptized and thus asked the family member to check with her. The family member finally relented and asked and was surprised at the answer. Pastor had left by this time, and returned that very afternoon to baptise the lady.
- She taught that conviction, not emotions or goose bumps, indicate the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Neither trying nor drifting are beneficial to spiritual transformation, but depending on the Holy Spirit.
- We discern and move along with Him, so we can keep step with Him.
- She also gave the example of the church as a pair of gloves, and it is the Holy Spirit in us who fills the gloves.
- IT IS TIME, she said, for the church to move.
One phrase that she shared spoke so strongly to me, that tears ran down my face. It was an example of how the Holy Spirit was using her, as i believe that the particular phrase was not in her sermon notes. "Your grace is sufficient", she said, and i was reminded once again of how God had spoken to me the day before regarding the truth that He is on my side. It was a RHEMA word spoken right into my spirit.
Her message had me thinking further about how we gauge or 'feel' or 'sense' the presence of the Holy Spirit. Like she said, this is not emotional in origin. It is a spiritual encounter or experience not easily described with mere words. However, when we sense the presence of God, our emotions are involved, impacted, affected as well.
The prompting of the Holy Spirit is birthed in our spirit. Often, these promptings go against conventions or logic. Our usual ways of thinking or behaving are challenged. When we choose to follow or obey His prompting, we are emboldened, even strengthened, and the results are good, sometimes even phenomenal. Often our spirits are stirred, prompted, nudged, inspiring our very passions. If we ignore His promptings, we grieve the Holy Spirit.
I was talking to my cousin in law at a family function yesterday. She expressed a spiritual principle in very simple terms with a clear illustration. It was like an unintended answer to an unasked question. She was sharing that she was touched by a powerful message delivered in Mandarin by my late grandfather. As the message was in a unfamiliar language, one that she understood just a little, she felt that that message cut to the quick, right into her spirit. Often, she said, we would allow our intellect, our own thinking to tamper with or temper the message. She understood that messages are imparted spirit to spirit, even subliminally.
In that moment, i understood more clearly some of the things i had been experiencing.
This, i believe, is what happens in our spirit when we pray or sing in tongues. The Holy Spirit communes with our spirits directly without interference from our understanding, and we are stirred, established, encouraged and strengthened.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
sermon notes 4 - peace in turbulent times
We have peace in turbulent times (John 14:1,26)
1"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
26But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
This is because
- we know where we are going
- the Father loves us
- we have the promises of God that we shall overcome:
- we will do what others cannot do - even greater things than what Jesus did
- we will not suffer any lack (John 13: 13-14) - those who trust and obey Him will not suffer lack
- obey = love Jesus (John 14:21a- He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. )
- love Jesus = loved by Father (John 14:21b - And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.)
- loved by the Father = Father will be with you (John 14:23 - Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.)
- we will not be alone (John 16:13)
Friday, 26 June 2009
Psalm 18
O Lord my God
You're my strength and You're my life
I love you with all of my heart
You're my Rock and You're my fortress
You're my stronghold
You're the One who sets me free
You're the One in whom i trust
You're my shelter
You're the horn of my salvation
You are my refuge O Lord
Thursday, 25 June 2009
sermon notes 3 - power of peace (day 3)
1 Peter 5:6
Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you,
We humble ourselves. We don't look for ways to exalt ourselves.
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].
Strong verb - rule. Peace is not weak nor feeble. Peace is STRONG!!
Romans 16:20
And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with you.
God of peace is powerful enough to CRUSH satan.
'Snakes and scorpions' used to represent evil powers and principalities. Scorpions cannot be squashed to death. They must be grounded and twisted - CRUSHED!
Hebrews 13:20-21
20Now may the God of peace [Who is the Author and the Giver of peace], Who brought again from among the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, by the blood [that sealed, ratified] the everlasting agreement (covenant, testament), 21Strengthen (complete, perfect) and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out His will; [while He Himself] works in you and accomplishes that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ (the Messiah); to Whom be the glory forever and ever (to the ages of the ages). Amen (so be it).
The God of peace ROUSED Jesus from the dead...He makes us everything we need to be strong, like the proverbs 31 woman who girds herself with strength.
His peace does not only calm us, but emboldens us.
We need to be properly clothed... in peace, etc. so that we are not even in a hurry to get out of a difficult situation, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
sermon notes 2 - power of peace (day 2)
2When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes: to respect, defer to, revere him--to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband]. 3Let not yours be the [merely] external adorning with [elaborate] interweaving and knotting of the hair, the wearing of jewelry, or changes of clothes; 4But let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which [is not anxious or wrought up, but] is very precious in the sight of God.
Inner beauty is found in God - a gentle and peaceful spirit.
Philippians 4:6-7
6Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. 7And God's peace [shall be yours, that ranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
The phrase "mount guard" shows us that this peace is more powerful than anything that can come against it.
No peace can come until you do what is in verse 6.
Esther 4:14
For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion?
God has prepared us for a time and a place. We can't take this spiritual place till we take our place with God.
The peace of God is powerful enough to hold us in place. Like Esther, we will know the plan of God, with our words and composure divinely provided and calculated.
The peace of God draws favour. Esther risked her life to enter the throne room without being summoned, but found favour in the eyes of her husband the king. She waited on God till the right time to go in.
Ephesians 6:15
And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.
Our feet must be shod with peace. These shoes of peace can walk through all circumstances.
What you look at affects your feet.
Philippians 4:8
For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].
So fix your eyes on Jesus as all that are in the above verse are found in Him.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
sermon notes 1 - power of peace (day 1)
Psalm 68:11
The Lord gives the word [of power]; the women who bear and publish [the news] are a great host.
- Women to stand in their place in God, marching in step with His plan
- We wait upon the Lord, taking orders only from Him.
- You will never find your place naturally till you take your place spiritually.
1 Peter 3:1, 5-6
IN LIKE manner, you married women, be submissive to your own husbands [subordinate yourselves as being secondary to and dependent on them, and adapt yourselves to them], so that even if any do not obey the Word [of God], they may be won over not by discussion but by the [godly] lives of their wives,
5For it was thus that the pious women of old who hoped in God were [accustomed] to beautify themselves and were submissive to their husbands [adapting themselves to them as themselves secondary and dependent upon them]. 6It was thus that Sarah obeyed Abraham [following his guidance and acknowledging his headship over her by] calling him lord (master, leader, authority). And you are now her true daughters if you do right and let nothing terrify you [not giving way to hysterical fears or letting anxieties unnerve you].
Hebrews 11:11-12
11Because of faith also Sarah herself received physical power to conceive a child, even when she was long past the age for it, because she considered [God] Who had given her the promise to be reliable and trustworthy and true to His word. 12So from one man, though he was physically as good as dead, there have sprung descendants whose number is as the stars of heaven and as countless as the innumerable sands on the seashore.
Monday, 22 June 2009
I am on your side
All my anger and upset feelings melted in His love. All my questions and doubts dissolved because of His tender words.
This is why i love my God. He sustains me every day.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
things above
The following is what i remember hearing:
I woke up this morning and had a conversation with the Holy Spirit. He started the conversation first. I heard Him asking me to set my heart on things above and not on things below. I started to bargain with Him but knew that that was not being willing and obedient, that was not pleasing Him. So i started to change my attitude. Then He went on to show me the specific steps i could take to accomplish this in this phase of my life.
Then i saw Him (in my spirit, not in a vision) turn away as if to leave, so since we were on a roll here, i quickly asked Him about another issue i had been praying and believing for some time, and He said He was taking care of it. I told Him i was tired of waiting (since the previous evening i had been saying that in my mind and to hubby). What i heard in reply was if you wait on Me, you will never be tired. Once again, I didn't especially like the answer, as i would have preferred to know a more specific response, such as the date... But i understood. If i waited on Him, His word does promise that i will renew my strength according to Isaiah 40:31.
So i will purpose to set my heart on things above, and i will purpose to wait on Him.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
we're back...
He does immeasurably more than i can ask or imagine!
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
I've been praying more in tongues in intercession, rather than just edifying myself.
Several times since last Friday, my heart had been so full of the presence of God and what He had for me to pray.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
praying out God's plan
As he prayed, God must have allowed him to see what was to come. And in the very last verse of Chapter 1, he asked for favour before the king.
And he waited... till God's appointed time before acting. And when the right time came, he recognised in his spirit God's intervention, and prayed a quick prayer and gave an answer to the King.
He must have been led by the Spirit of God in answer to his prayer.
He was not moved by the customary practices of that time. It was not the etiquette of that time to look sad in front of the king. But he allowed his demeanour to reflect his burden.
He was not moved by his circumstances - no one else he knew had the same desire or burden.
He knew his purpose, and perhaps he realised that even his status as cupbearer had to have been within God's divine plan for the rebuilding of the gates and walls of Jerusalem.
So when the opportunity presented itself in the form of the king's question, God poured forth His favour upon Nehemiah through a positively heartening response from the king, with resources placed at Nehemiah's disposal.
Still, he was alone. He started off alone, but God sent like-minded people his way. In fact, he had not told anyone of his intention, and no one knew till the appointed time in Nehemiah 2:17.
There were many obstacles to his task ahead, but as he prayed and waited, God dealt with each obstacle, one at a time. It was clear that God had a plan, and Nehemiah need only follow it. Instead of being discouraged by the plot and strategies of the enemy, they sought the help and wisdom of the Lord, and were not thwarted in their rebuilding efforts. He put plans in place for protection against the enemy.
Nehemiah 4:9
But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.
When the labourers who also had to stand guard to defend themselves and prevent any attack on the wall or on the people became tired and weary to the point of wanting to give up, Nehemiah stood firm in his purpose and continued to encourage them.
Some people wonder whether the dream is the thing that keeps them going. To me, the focus should be on the One Who Gives The Dream. We have a relationship with our heavenly Father, that would help us stand strong in any difficulty or challenge.
If our focus is on the dream or the task to be accomplished, our identity and purpose become enmeshed with whether we succeed or not. We then get discouraged when things seem slow or delayed. But when our focus is on the Lord, we begin to see and understand things from His perspective, that very often in the process, we are growing and learning and strengthend and established, being perfected, and in the meantime, we are still impacting and influencing others.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
These phrases have been repeating in my heart since last Friday when the Holy Spirit first released it through me:
ways to see and ways to hear
ways to know the ways to go
He will Show and we just follow
so He WIll SHOW and you will follow.
This second part was just spoken to a couple of sisters in the Lord also ministering the Word of God:
You don't plan for Him. He already has a plan for you both. Your part is to find out that plan in prayer and then walk out that plan. Don't plan God's plan. You walk out the plan He has already in place for you!
Monday, 25 May 2009
don't shoot a cannon on a sampan
This phrase he used struck me: You can't shoot a cannon from a sampan. I immediately laughed. The thought was ludicrous.
Sampan. Singaporeans will know immediately what it is - a small boat, usually without motor or rudder, but steered and moved by a long wooden pole in shallow waters.

The definition by wikipedia is similar, but with more details. You can check it out.
Truths are powerful. Truths contain dunamis power, but if fired from a sampan, it will not only be unable to hit the target, it will destroy the sampan.
So let's establish ourselves in the Word and become sturdy ships that can sustain steadily the cannons from which truths can be fired and hit the target.